Religion Professor Upset White People Receiving MTV Awards, Issues Racial Tweet

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member

If a white professor had made similar remarks about black people in general, he/she would have been CRUCIFIED by the liberal media. Absolutely crucified. But since it's a black professor making racist remarks about white people in general, the liberal media gives her a pass.

Where are Obama and Holder? Why aren't they condemning this woman's remarks as racist? Because the colors aren't right.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
She looks like Harpo Marx. If she just kept her mouth shut, like Harpo, she would be kinda nice.

Reminds me of the UCSB professor who beat up the 16 year old anti-abortion protestor. I wonder if she lost her job over that assault?



Well-Known Member
Gee Buck, why aren't you condemning the remarks made by the racist black professor? It's a color mismatch for you, isn't it?
the racism us whites face is appalling and difficult to escape, isn't it?

how do we even get through the day?

i guess we just have to make due with better outcomes in the legal system, better outcomes at the workplace, no history of oppression against us or segregation, etcetera.

i think i can manage, but you seem especially fine-tuned to this anti-white racism. it must be really tough being you, eh?

go back to stormfront.

If a white professor had made similar remarks about black people in general, he/she would have been CRUCIFIED by the liberal media. Absolutely crucified. But since it's a black professor making racist remarks about white people in general, the liberal media gives her a pass.

Where are Obama and Holder? Why aren't they condemning this woman's remarks as racist? Because the colors aren't right.
White male racism and sexism is far more dangerous because it is institutionalized. That is why affirmative action, minorities in government, and female leaders are needed. White males have a history of using the government to oppress everybody else, thankfully we now have a black president but more work needs to be done to get minorities and women into positions of power.


Well-Known Member
White male racism and sexism is far more dangerous because it is institutionalized. That is why affirmative action, minorities in government, and female leaders are needed. White males have a history of using the government to oppress everybody else, thankfully we now have a black president but more work needs to be done to get minorities and women into positions of power.
You do realize that the government is run by the people, but the people are being told what to do by old white men who have big corporations? At least that is what the study by Princeton says. The whole world is run by these old white men, where you been, its been this way for HUNDREDS of years.


Well-Known Member
I think she is Rubenesque. I do not approve of your racist joke.
Ruben was a hard core racist, only painted white people. Of course that is pretty consistent with your other racist behavior, lots of other well known racists also liked Ruben, Hitler had several of his paintings, so did Goebels. Like Hitler and Goebels, you too wish that black people were eradicated from the earth. You disgust me with your disguised feminism but the raging racism in your heart gives you away.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
White male racism and sexism is far more dangerous because it is institutionalized. That is why affirmative action, minorities in government, and female leaders are needed. White males have a history of using the government to oppress everybody else, thankfully we now have a black president but more work needs to be done to get minorities and women into positions of power.
You're close but not quite, sort of like wearing your shirt inside out.

Many people that want power of others use coercive government as their vehicle or their ride. You are correct that many of the times in the past the driver of that vehicle has been a white man, but times have parasites in power come in all genders and colors.

We don't need "leaders" that use force as a primary method regardless of what their genitalia looks like or if their asshole is pink or brown.