From Fb for a laugh
Jose Canaura
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19 August near
Fort Myers, FL, United States
So I was nominated for ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I'm not going to participate nor will I pay the donation money. With a little bit of research, fairly simple, I found the following. As of 2012, ALSA has directed only 7.71% of its budget to Research. And not only that, 63.63% of their budget for the fiscal year was dedicated to "Other Program Activities" I'm not going to guess what those other programs are, but they sure are not research. And administrative cost? 10.54% and 18.11% for fundraising. What does this mean? That our of the $100 I would give to this organization $7.71 of it would go to research, that's about as much as a test tube costs. Instead of donating and/or surviving off expiate which will account for only 7% research, donate to research based organizations like Angel Funds and so forth. Give it break already, there is no need to waste water and ice just so administration would get better cars and or clothes. Attached proof, but I beg you do your own research first.