Cannabis for mental illness


Well-Known Member
i use cannabis for anxiety, depression, insomnia and opiate addiction.

i worry. to the point where i dont want to go certain places because i think ill get in a car accident and die if its far away. or i wont want to take my son to the beach because im afraid he will drown. i get these ideas in my head, i get edgy , my heart races and i get a sense of panic that doesnt go away. pot stops these thoughts from coming into my head and i can actually think straight and realize its my anxiety. instant relief.

automatically puts me in a better mood. no crazy side effects like big pharma medications. i have always refused to take pills, especially since i had previous opiate addiction and just hate pills in general.

due to my anxiety and what not, i can lay in bed all night, all day and all night again..and again... and again.. and my mind will continue to race. its insane. it slows my brain down and lets me rest. its a miracle. again, without the crazy side effects of legal prescription sleeping pills.

opiate addiction:
anybody here, and i know theres quite a few who have had a bout with dilaudid, morphine, oxys or anything like that will understand why pot helps. i havent done a hard drug in years, but i still crave every now and then, or think about how great opiates are. but again, i can have a puff or vape a little and my mind is almost instantly elsewhere.

i dont ever let on to people about how bad my anxiety it, except for my doctor and my fiance. i dont want people to think im nuts. the only reason why anybody knows exactly what goes on is because i say something. ive learned how to hide these issues over the years, but i will say, cannabis is a god send. i would probably be in a nut house somewhere without it. i can live a normal happy life, and as i said, nobody would ever guess that i had mental health issues.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, sounds like a fun time over at Tote n Talk :D
WELCOME!!! To roll it up.

I'm new. My posts don't reflect that - but I am NEW!

tnT is funny.

Never take anything serious - most are jokes.

And I missed that part in my younger years - but some people get "hazed" or something there.

But it's funny - I have a thread about baking weed cookies. That's mostly schizophrenic word-salad. hahahah - but still fun!


Well-Known Member
Do you suffer from mental illness?
Yes, chronic major depression, anxiety

Have you been treated with conventional pharmaceuticals
Yes, Celexa, Welbutrin, Zoloft

Have you been treated with psychotherapy?
Yes, 6 visits and stopped going.It wasn't helping at all.

Have you tried cannabis to treat it?

Have you been prescribed it (canna) for your condition?
No.I was prescribed cannabis for arthritis pain - a major contributor to the depression.

What symptoms does it help with?
Reduces anxiety that sometimes prevents me from going to something as simple as a restaurant. Takes my focus away from depressing thoughts.

What's the effective period like?
Depends. If I'm keeping busy, 3 or 4 hours.

How does cannabis compare to the pharmaceuticals?
There is no comparison. The pharmaceuticals did not alleviate my depression, caused suicidal thoughts and a host of other side effects, some of which I still suffer from 3 years after I stopped taking them. Marijuana is a much more effective 'mood adjuster' without any negative side effects.


Well-Known Member
You guys sound like the same person is all. Or somebody trolling somebody.
Seems odd is all. Carry on.
People with mental illness, I am starting to realize, are kind of the same.

It's like having IBS, or Celiac, or Asthma. You have, kind of the same symptoms.

I just usually talk to the doctors, not the other patients.

this is...kind of sweet.


Well-Known Member
You guys sound like the same person is all. Or somebody trolling somebody.
Seems odd is all. Carry on.
p.s. I am liking the sharing and the cray part of me wants to BE ANGRY!!!

But the rest of me knows, to shut the fuck up.

You're a "new member"? Or an old member saying they are a new member?

Whatever it is...please just get to know some of the people here, before immediate attacks. Please.

It makes it nicer for everyone - including you!!!


Not an attack , an observation.
I am a new member.
If my name was bhoopell and someone showed up with name bhoopall and my same symptoms etc., it would seem odd to me. There are a lot of "coincidences" on the interweb though I suppose


Well-Known Member
Not an attack , an observation.
I am a new member.
If my name was bhoopell and someone showed up with name bhoopall and my same symptoms etc., it would seem odd to me. There are a lot of "coincidences" on the interweb though I suppose
For me - Yessica is the way spanish people say my name.

So I chose it.

I am assume, any other "Yessica's" here - have their own reasons.

Also - NO TROLL in the world would be dumb enough to create another profile with the exact same name...

Maybe - that's why they are trolls?

But - if I was to create another online personality - it would be a younger dude. And he would probably be SUPER GAY.

FYI! hahaha


Well-Known Member
prolly not as bad as u.... u know who u remind me of u ever seen them old batman cartoons.. u remind me of harley da jokers lady....
There's no "as bad as"

Everything is as bad as it is for each person.

I got all Fuckered up - yeah.

But there have probably been LOADS of people, JUSt as fucked up as me - and they dealt with it differently. It does not mean that they were not as "bad" or "sad" or whatever you want to quantify it as.

I do not know the joker ladi...

I do like the ZOmB from time to time though...


Well-Known Member
Asking YOU.

You don't have to.

But we do seem to be in the sharing nest of trust over here. If you're not going to join the nest...well...

You know.


Well-Known Member
There's no "as bad as"

Everything is as bad as it is for each person.

I got all Fuckered up - yeah.

But there have probably been LOADS of people, JUSt as fucked up as me - and they dealt with it differently. It does not mean that they were not as "bad" or "sad" or whatever you want to quantify it as.

I do not know the joker ladi...

I do like the ZOmB from time to time though...
lil lithium...... a lil ativan..... some shock treatment ull be ok sweetheart... lol jk im bipolar as shit to.... major anger issuues