Michigan outdoor


Well-Known Member
don't you think they could find you by your ip address if they really wanted?
Probably, but why give them a slam dunk? One thing I believe is that our legal system is badly broken. It is the World's largest criminal conspiracy. If they want you, they'll take you, and invent charges. If you are smarter than them, they'll kill you, in your home, on the street, or in jail. Paranoid? I don't believe so. I've seen enough to avoid adding to their motives.
Probably, but why give them a slam dunk? One thing I believe is that our legal system is badly broken. It is the World's largest criminal conspiracy. If they want you, they'll take you, and invent charges. If you are smarter than them, they'll kill you, in your home, on the street, or in jail. Paranoid? I don't believe so. I've seen enough to avoid adding to their motives.
That's why I don't worry about it I'm not trying to get rich or even looking to sell any my goal was to get enough from these to not have to have an indoor closet going to save on $ even tho I only run 550 watts it gets expensive where as the sun n rain are free so I figure if their gonna come for me their gonna come for me


Well-Known Member
Just an update. The ak48 got dry somehow and the light green/ yellow is the result of a stressed plant. She seems to be doing a lot better now. All the others are looking great! Detroitfarmer, id love to see an update


These are my blackwater update that are now getting fed a 0-50-30 foxfarm bloom nute their 1st feeding of nutes since being transplanted outside there are 3 of them in that bush

