Warning!!!!! Do not do business with this caligrown!!!!

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Active Member
Lets say that about 80% of us are members of this forum because we learn from those that are more aware on this subject than we are, that leaves 20% that are here for other reasons, maybe 10% are like this misfit Caligrown that frenchy is accusing, that leaves another 10% unaccounted for. Guess who they are?


Well-Known Member
If you were in the UK and that happened to you i'm pretty sure you'd get hacked up.

I say find him and destroy him :D


New Member
the rumors are true huh?

We've all been victims sooner or later.Once you get over that feeling of wanting to vomit, it will get better.

Sucks not to be able to go to jail becuase you have bigger responsibilities.I feel it every day.


New Member
I'm sorry but none of this surprises me in the least.

Months ago when he was posting pics of his crop in his grow journal he all of a sudden decides to post a pic of himself looking down the barrel of a shot gun. :? Now I don't know about any of you BUT this sent off huge warning bells for me. :shock::idea: It wasn't intended to be humourous .He claimed that is what someone would see if they came to his house and tried to rip him off.:confused:

The 2nd set of bells went off when he posted a thread about 'visiting the club.'
He hadjust finished fixing up his car to sell and decided to take it to the club. Nothing unusual there. :-| BUT he decides to video the entire visit and while he explains all of it he actually shows his vehicle , license plates :confused::wall: hello:dunce:

Personally I was hugely offended by the fact that a mm card member would have the balls to pull a move like that and doubly offended that it was a rui member and mod here. :-? That in itself showed his true colours.

Who the f**k puts themselves and the club and all its members at risk by posting a thread showing the club, and kept mentioning the guards outside. :blsmoke::idea: talked more about the guards outside and the entire security of the club or lack of. I mean WTF?????

What were his intentions? :confused:He has his girlfriend video him going from his car to the club and mentions that they can't see the camera because of his tinted windows.:neutral: yeah and......????

A day or two later he posts that his car has been vandalized.:wall:
well h-e-l-l-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has pics of himself in his grow journals and in this video showing what a badass he is. :confused: That just made no sense at all.

I personally found it to be a slap in the face. Here I had been busting my ass to get an mm card and this guy has one and is playing gangster with it. :evil: It just never sat right with me.

As far as taking him to court???? FUCK yeahhhh!!!! I most certainly would take him to court; especially if you are a mm card owner and are using mm as a prescription. To not take him to court would be a huge injustice to not only you but to all.

If you are an mm card holder and you have been granted rights from the government to grow medical marijuana, then it is a legit business and should be treated as such!!!!
Here in Canada if you have a permit to grow for yourself and or others then you have a legit business. You can claim all your growing equipment and supplies when doing your taxes. This makes it a legit business and nobody has a right to rip someone off.

I personally take much offense to this as I see it as stealing meds from patients. What kind of person does it take to do something like this? If buddy has not come forthafter 5 months, he's either been taken out already or is on the run.

Good luck to you all:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but none of this surprises me in the least.

Months ago when he was posting pics of his crop in his grow journal he all of a sudden decides to post a pic of himself looking down the barrel of a shot gun. :? Now I don't know about any of you BUT this sent off huge warning bells for me. :shock::idea: It wasn't intended to be humourous .He claimed that is what someone would see if they came to his house and tried to rip him off.:confused:

The 2nd set of bells went off when he posted a thread about 'visiting the club.'
He hadjust finished fixing up his car to sell and decided to take it to the club. Nothing unusual there. :-| BUT he decides to video the entire visit and while he explains all of it he actually shows his vehicle , license plates :confused::wall: hello:dunce:

Personally I was hugely offended by the fact that a mm card member would have the balls to pull a move like that and doubly offended that it was a rui member and mod here. :-? That in itself showed his true colours.

Who the f**k puts themselves and the club and all its members at risk by posting a thread showing the club, and kept mentioning the guards outside. :blsmoke::idea: talked more about the guards outside and the entire security of the club or lack of. I mean WTF?????

What were his intentions? :confused:He has his girlfriend video him going from his car to the club and mentions that they can't see the camera because of his tinted windows.:neutral: yeah and......????

A day or two later he posts that his car has been vandalized.:wall:
well h-e-l-l-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has pics of himself in his grow journals and in this video showing what a badass he is. :confused: That just made no sense at all.

I personally found it to be a slap in the face. Here I had been busting my ass to get an mm card and this guy has one and is playing gangster with it. :evil: It just never sat right with me.

As far as taking him to court???? FUCK yeahhhh!!!! I most certainly would take him to court; especially if you are a mm card owner and are using mm as a prescription. To not take him to court would be a huge injustice to not only you but to all.

If you are an mm card holder and you have been granted rights from the government to grow medical marijuana, then it is a legit business and should be treated as such!!!!
Here in Canada if you have a permit to grow for yourself and or others then you have a legit business. You can claim all your growing equipment and supplies when doing your taxes. This makes it a legit business and nobody has a right to rip someone off.

I personally take much offense to this as I see it as stealing meds from patients. What kind of person does it take to do something like this? If buddy has not come forthafter 5 months, he's either been taken out already or is on the run.

Good luck to you all:blsmoke::peace:
It should not be that hard to find out if he as been arrested or what not. I am sure members here know his name. If he is running thats one thing, but if in the justice system he should not be that hard to find.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but none of this surprises me in the least.

Months ago when he was posting pics of his crop in his grow journal he all of a sudden decides to post a pic of himself looking down the barrel of a shot gun. :? Now I don't know about any of you BUT this sent off huge warning bells for me. :shock::idea: It wasn't intended to be humourous .He claimed that is what someone would see if they came to his house and tried to rip him off.:confused:

The 2nd set of bells went off when he posted a thread about 'visiting the club.'
He hadjust finished fixing up his car to sell and decided to take it to the club. Nothing unusual there. :-| BUT he decides to video the entire visit and while he explains all of it he actually shows his vehicle , license plates :confused::wall: hello:dunce:

Personally I was hugely offended by the fact that a mm card member would have the balls to pull a move like that and doubly offended that it was a rui member and mod here. :-? That in itself showed his true colours.

Who the f**k puts themselves and the club and all its members at risk by posting a thread showing the club, and kept mentioning the guards outside. :blsmoke::idea: talked more about the guards outside and the entire security of the club or lack of. I mean WTF?????

What were his intentions? :confused:He has his girlfriend video him going from his car to the club and mentions that they can't see the camera because of his tinted windows.:neutral: yeah and......????

A day or two later he posts that his car has been vandalized.:wall:
well h-e-l-l-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has pics of himself in his grow journals and in this video showing what a badass he is. :confused: That just made no sense at all.

I personally found it to be a slap in the face. Here I had been busting my ass to get an mm card and this guy has one and is playing gangster with it. :evil: It just never sat right with me.

As far as taking him to court???? FUCK yeahhhh!!!! I most certainly would take him to court; especially if you are a mm card owner and are using mm as a prescription. To not take him to court would be a huge injustice to not only you but to all.

If you are an mm card holder and you have been granted rights from the government to grow medical marijuana, then it is a legit business and should be treated as such!!!!
Here in Canada if you have a permit to grow for yourself and or others then you have a legit business. You can claim all your growing equipment and supplies when doing your taxes. This makes it a legit business and nobody has a right to rip someone off.

I personally take much offense to this as I see it as stealing meds from patients. What kind of person does it take to do something like this? If buddy has not come forthafter 5 months, he's either been taken out already or is on the run.

Good luck to you all:blsmoke::peace:

I would love to see the video or even better the tag # of the car..I can track that fucker


Well-Known Member
wow very sorry to hear that fdd, but 2.5 lbs means nothing in the grand scheme of things

caligrown as a mod can see everyones IP address

I hope his mod status has been revoked

furthermore if you do find him. Im sure there are many ways to get back at him.

but then again, he knows where you live, so if you dont completely nutralize him, then u have that to worry about then

so lesson learned there worse things that could happen

just forget it happend, and dont trust nobody futher than you can throw them

so 5 for fdd 1 to the catapillers and 2.5 to the crack heads. fuckin A

your still winning fdd:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"One day you'll know what love truly is. It's the sour and the sweet. And I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet."

"The sweet isn't sweet until you taste the sour"

Jason Lee, Vanilla Sky


Active Member
WOW just read the thread. Sorry guys, but it has been said more than once karma is a bitch. Habit or no habit, he is begging to be made an example of.


Well-Known Member
not only is this man a thief, but a compulsive liar. two attributes of terrible character. how old is this guy? what he did is something that the wanna be blood freshman in my old high school would do. drugs and marijuana make some people do strange thing's that they normally wouldn't, but he had the audacity and the balls to take 40-45 oz AND frenchy's crop? what a piece of shit. I am glad to hear that you've chosen NOT to seek revenge, instead your letting this go around back to him. because he knows where you live and you have a wife and child...if he is fucked up enough to steal all of that then he would probably run up on you and your family.


Well-Known Member
not only is this man a thief, but a compulsive liar. two attributes of terrible character. how old is this guy? what he did is something that the wanna be blood freshman in my old high school would do. drugs and marijuana make some people do strange thing's that they normally wouldn't, but he had the audacity and the balls to take 40-45 oz AND frenchy's crop? what a piece of shit. I am glad to hear that you've chosen NOT to seek revenge, instead your letting this go around back to him. because he knows where you live and you have a wife and child...if he is fucked up enough to steal all of that then he would probably run up on you and your family.
Id like for that mother fucker to come by my house,he is not the only one that ownes a 12 gauge.:evil::evil::evil:Did you read this CALIGROWN?I hope so.
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Well-Known Member
we should all know calis true identity so that we can all avoid him, i would be naive enough to let an experienced person help me out, especially after seeing his work, and we can all do a RIU manhunt lol were all over this world, we'll find him
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