Who's been called?

Who hs been called a racist by UB?

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Well-Known Member
since it is well established that a fetid pile of horse manure is more intelligent than you, i uderstand that you can not differentiate between sardonic usage and hurtful usage.
Know how many times you have called someone a racist?
3561 times, which will increase by 20 each and every day on average.
Its all you got. Some of us are just so fucking tired of hearing it. 4 years 4 months of "You're a racist, You're a racist, You're a racist"
Find something new, please.
Start calling people cantankerous old men or something. Probably wouldn't have such a large hate club.


Well-Known Member
Know how many times you have called someone a racist?
3561 times, which will increase by 20 each and every day on average.
Its all you got. Some of us are just so fucking tired of hearing it. 4 years 4 months of "You're a racist, You're a racist, You're a racist"
Find something new, please.
Start calling people cantankerous old men or something. Probably wouldn't have such a large hate club.
Citation or continue with your ball eating session. Do you and sheskank have a testicle licking fetish or something?


Well-Known Member
Some of us are just so fucking tired of hearing it. 4 years 4 months of "You're a racist, You're a racist, You're a racist"
you know what's fucking old and what we're all tired of hearing?



Well-Known Member
you know what's fucking old and what we're all tired of hearing?

I know, my racism looms large on these pages, there is just SOO much evidence. Heck a simpleton like you could probably find something to edit to make it look like I was a racist, or perhaps you could make a stormfront account since you are so cozy and familiar over there and have been a member since 2008.

Or you could go do nothing, cry and scream, maybe kick a little, but no one will be convinced except the stupid and the gullible. Which is the core of your 3 fan fan base.


Well-Known Member
I know, my racism looms large on these pages, there is just SOO much evidence. Heck a simpleton like you could probably find something to edit to make it look like I was a racist, or perhaps you could make a stormfront account since you are so cozy and familiar over there and have been a member since 2008.

Or you could go do nothing, cry and scream, maybe kick a little, but no one will be convinced except the stupid and the gullible. Which is the core of your 3 fan fan base.
you are opposed to civil rights, you say no blacks were ever harmed by denial of service, and you use the same "racist food spitter" excuse about civil rights that donalejandro, ginwilly, and bignbushy use.

and you idolize rawn pawl.


Well-Known Member
you are opposed to civil rights, you say no blacks were ever harmed by denial of service, and you use the same "racist food spitter" excuse about civil rights that donalejandro, ginwilly, and bignbushy use.

and you idolize rawn pawl.
I have never opposed civil rights, citation please, and it has to be be a quote of me saying I oppose civil rights, or something to that effect, not some vague roundabout feeling you got while masturbating to pictures of deported Guatemalan children at night.

I also never said that blacks weren't harmed by denial of service I IN FACT said the opposite.

Food spitter? I don't even know what that means, so I know you are just making shit up again.

You aint got shit. And you know you aint got shit.