The UK Growers Thread!

Look at that, the threads back up to its normal post count.

Every other reputable forum gives an advanced warning over issues that might occur through pruning and all that lot, not this place, they just don't give a shit.
pop down the corner shop for some dried fish and when you get back the posts are gone, what's the world coming to?

Corner shop? I live on top of the fuckers. Almost every other shop on this road is a butcher or fish monger. Not a single one of em English. Seriously, there is not a SINGLE English run shop on this entire high street. My dad is a bit of a xenophobe, he had a bit of a filed day talking about bloody Lebanese fish mongers and their foreign fish :-D
they are willing to work for less than an english person, hard to compete in business with people undercutting you.
us greedy brits and not wanting to sacrifice our lavish way of life are to blame, ooooh these foreign devils!

they want us out of the serious growing forum, makes sense really
they are willing to work for less than an english person, hard to compete in business with people undercutting you.
us greedy brits and not wanting to sacrifice our lavish way of life are to blame, ooooh these foreign devils!

they want us out of the serious growing forum, makes sense really

I think you mean they're willing to forgo all hygein practices to undercut the competition. Walked into a shop yesterday and there was a cardboard box of chicken feet next to the doorway, no cover over the top, flies all over, no refrigeration. Why the fuck would you bother moving to england if your just gonna bring your slum ways with you. Respect our laws or fuck off,
His, her, I'm not sexist.

Just read about how apple has had to offer an actual tool just to remove the u2 album they spammed everyone iTunes account with. A tool to delete an album. That right there pretty much sums up how ducking shit apple is.

Microsoft isn't that much better though. It cannot get over the concept that I'm spelling fucked not ducked. That aside though, this new surface pro kicks the shut out of anything apple has released
His, her, I'm not sexist.

Just read about how apple has had to offer an actual tool just to remove the u2 album they spammed everyone iTunes account with. A tool to delete an album. That right there pretty much sums up how ducking shit apple is.

Microsoft isn't that much better though. It cannot get over the concept that I'm spelling fucked not ducked

I've had apple phones for 5 years odd ttt, next phone I'll be changing to something else tho, ur right ,there a fckin joke
I've had apple phones for 5 years odd ttt, next phone I'll be changing to something else tho, ur right ,there a fckin joke

At this point in time, immreally interested in the windows phone OS. People complain about the lack of apps, but ice been android for years, and sure, just like with apple, there are a billion and one apps on the store, and 99 percent of them are utter garbage. Android is great, but its a fun OS, not something for being serious and productive. Hopefully HTC release their next flagship with windows as well as just the M8, as hardware wise, my M7 is ducking insane. Even the iPhone 6 is a joke in comparison. Doesn't even have a 1080pm display unless you get the pointless 6 plus, that doesn't have a stylus, making it pretty much worthless for its form factor.