2014 outdoor 9

Mine are just now really starting to produce. If your plants aren't producing stop watering and they'll start fruiting.

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Okay I'm home until harvest. I took the dogs out for the final time this year. We went to San Francisco and got some beach / golden gate park time in.



It's funny... when gone daily the plants don't seem to be doing shit but, come back after a few days and everything is bulking up nicely lol.

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whats up mr wooten! You going to the party this year? Are you close to harvesting? Everyone is really low right now!
Mate that pic of the dog is classic.Im getting another dog but not toll my ten year service is up and im back home again full time :)
Okay I'm home until harvest. I took the dogs out for the final time this year. We went to San Francisco and got some beach / golden gate park time in.



It's funny... when gone daily the plants don't seem to be doing shit but, come back after a few days and everything is bulking up nicely lol.

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Sitting here drinking a beer alone cos shitheads I work with think mary jane is the next heroin.fuk man I should move to your area
Hey Ruby Fruit, was just wondering why your worried about the people at work if your alone? Drug testing or shared living accomodations?
Hey Ruby Fruit, was just wondering why your worried about the people at work if your alone? Drug testing or shared living accomodations?
drug testing mate.Where i work a lot of ppl will step on someone else to clamber to the top of the food chain quicker.I like to think im not like that.My life more ore less consists of only smoking for prob 7 days a month,but its enough to keep the demons at bay.
Oh okay I hear you brother, thankfully you can still get a good week of puffing in anyway. Too bad mary jane stay's in your system 3 to 4 times longer than most of the other "substances". Sad that we still have this shit going on in the work force. They'd be lucky to have a dude who only uses pot on his days off and doesn't drink....
yep agreed....
Have a gd day/night ppls looking forward to more killer bud pics
drug testing mate.Where i work a lot of ppl will step on someone else to clamber to the top of the food chain quicker.I like to think im not like that.My life more ore less consists of only smoking for prob 7 days a month,but its enough to keep the demons at bay.
Been at places like that man it's pretty shitty, let's not derail wootens beautiful thread here though we all wish we had a backyard like his but it's not a reality for most. This guy is the exception, growing out in the open and having a great time. Just so you know California, we envy you.
Okay DT I tried to do this 2 days ago from my girlfriends netbook... It was irritating and it sucked so... here's your sauce.

Pick and wash tomatoes.
Start a big pot of water boiling for blanching.

You blanch until the skin rips and then you remove the tomato from the water and remove the skin from the tomato.
Put tomato in another pot. repeat until pot is full or you're out of tomatoes.
Now add bell pepper, garlic, yellow onion and fresh basil. I also added some chili flakes to the batch that is pictured.

cook on medium low until reduced to the consistency you like... this will take many hours I believe it took around 8 hours for this sauce to be ready and the volume was reduced by more than half.

This picture is about 5 hours in.

The final product. I ended up with a little over a gallon with this batch. I canned 7/8s of a gallon and kept a quart out for use that night.
In case you don't know how to can.

Everything is chugging along indoors.

The bubbas are looking super nice and ridiculously dense.

Bubbas dinner, Worm casting molasses tea.

This is an Agent Orange seed off of last years crop... it's so pretty and god damn is it covered in pistils .. Oh and it's only in a 10g geopot.

General Shots The OG blackberry is looking nice.

Rom in the background.... It's a good thing I bought those giant ass bamboo stakes.
Your tomato sauce is exactly like my g'ma used to make minus the chili flakes.
Looks delish and comforting.
Yea the flakes were a random addition. I normally don't put them in until I'm actually making a sauce for use.

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Lol hydroton setup. I said fuck cleaning it. after i soaked em in azatrol. But if it works. Right on.

Kiddy pool and a blower! Hydroton and roots gotta be DRY.
These are fresh hydroton. I'm washing the dust off of them. Though I am going to run the old pellets through tonight. The old pellets have been sitting on the sun for about a month now.

I just really need to make space in my big room so I've got to move the rock wool cubes into their own tray.

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