Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs


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The Republican Party’s top leader in Congress is catching flak for a comment that appears to call the jobless lazy – a comment that has rekindled an old challenge for the party: appearing insensitive or uncaring toward Americans who are poor or in financial difficulty.

House Speaker John Boehner was asked after a speech last week to comment on a plan for addressing poverty – promoted by a Republican colleague, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Speaker Boehner gave a response that was favorable toward Representative Ryan's plan, but not so favorable about Americans’ work ethic. He said in part: “I think this idea that’s been born over last ... couple of years that, ‘You know, I really don’t have to work, I don’t really want to do this, I think I’d just rather sit around,’ – this is a very sick idea for our country.”

This doesn’t sound like a Republican Party that has learned how to shake its image of being oriented toward the rich.

Fair or not, that image keeps reviving. Back in 2012 the issue flared up, for example, when video footage emerged of presidential candidate Mitt Romney saying 47 percent of Americans are “dependent upon government” and won’t “take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

In the same way that some Republicans have been trying to help their party connect more broadly with women and racial or ethnic minorities, Ryan has been trying to flip the party’s image as callous toward the poor.

Last month, in a Wall Street Journal commentary, Ryan overtly sought to distance himself from the phrase “takers” (as opposed to working, tax-paying “makers”), when referring to people who get government assistance.

Boehner and Ryan appear to agree that the answer to America’s economic problems lies largely in promoting faster job creation and providing pairing government assistance more closely with incentives to work.

In fact, Boehner’s full answer included some words fully sympathetic to the plight that many Americans face. “It’s our obligation to help provide the tools for them to use to help bring them into the mainstream” of the economy, he said.

He also lamented that “we’ve got a record number of Americans not working,” and said Ryan “is doing some very good work” in thinking about ways to lift more Americans out of poverty.

Responding to two points of the Ryan plan mentioned specifically by a questioner, Boehner said the idea of an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit has “a lot of merit” and that prison sentencing trends suggest that it’s time for “honest conversation.”

Where Boehner diverged in his message was on Americans’ motives and work ethic. Where Ryan had talked about people “trying to make something of themselves,” Boehner opined about a rising number who would “rather sit around.”

Maybe the US has some of those. The phrase “couch potato” caught on here in America, after all. But many economists say the fundamental challenge remains how to generate stronger growth in jobs and wages (the issue Boehner had focused on in his prepared remarks), not a declining willingness among Americans to work.

The US currently has some 9.6 million people officially unemployed and seeking jobs. Nearly 3 million of those have been out of work for at least half a year.

Boehner’s remark, on its face, doesn’t seem as politically damaging as Romney’s. Romney was a presidential candidate and his gaffe stirred controversy partly because it was captured on videotape from a fundraising luncheon.

But where Ryan took a step forward for Republican optics with working-class voters, Boehner may have taken a step back.
Some people would just rather collect welfare than work. Sad but true. Especially if you can collect and maybe work a cash job. People have become pros at gaming the system and quite honestly the government doesn't seem to mind giving away "free" stuff ( and by "free" I mean something someone else worked for ).
Want to solve the problem? No more government welfare of any kind. Sure some people will probably die, but the tree of freedom needs refreshing. No more income tax, that will solve the problem of government growth. No more fiat currency, that will take the power of control away from the elite rich cronies. Money will have to become something like bitcoin ( not necessarily Bitcoin), something that cannot be controlled by a few powerful men, something that cannot be centralized or controlled by anyone but the people.
I was unemployed for a couple of months last year. The $450 a week I got in California didn't even cover the rent on my 1 bedroom apartment. Sitting around was never an option.
That's because you're not lazy, you would be surprised how many others who don't share your drive to improve their lives.
I may be wrong, but I'll say you should thank someone for bringing you up right.
Why is this thread worthy? It is common knowledge that people go out of their way to cheat their way out of being given jobs etc. When you get comfortable on a low income lifestyle, why would you go getting a 9 to 5 job when you can just play the system and keep on lying in bed till 2pm and still get by just fine. The UK is a perfect example of this. Why take on a forced zero hour contract when you can just play some games and get paid to play PlayStation and sling some drugs etc?
Why is this thread worthy? It is common knowledge that people go out of their way to cheat their way out of being given jobs etc. When you get comfortable on a low income lifestyle, why would you go getting a 9 to 5 job when you can just play the system and keep on lying in bed till 2pm and still get by just fine. The UK is a perfect example of this. Why take on a forced zero hour contract when you can just play some games and get paid to play PlayStation and sling some drugs etc?
Pretty much. Why get a job when you can be a weed baron?
Have to agree with Boehner.
Too many people who lost their job where looking for an exact replacement job and where not willing to compromise. And there wasnt a single employer willing to pay in a surplus market of job seekers either
Have to agree with Boehner.
Too many people who lost their job where looking for an exact replacement job and where not willing to compromise. And there wasnt a single employer willing to pay in a surplus market of job seekers either

And then we all get up in arms that immigrants are taking our jobs. The jobs we refused to take because we deemed ourselves too good for them.
Once again politicians are idiots. It's not the unemployed that are a problem in this country it is the underemployed and the under compensated. Large percentages of welfare recipients work (all the ones I knew growing up). They just can't support a family on the bullshit they get paid. Want to stop welfare? Pay better.
Once again politicians are idiots. It's not the unemployed that are a problem in this country it is the underemployed and the under compensated. Large percentages of welfare recipients work (all the ones I knew growing up). They just can't support a family on the bullshit they get paid. Want to stop welfare? Pay better.

Ive always been taught not to create a family if you can't support it. I have no respect for people who bring children into this world knowing that with their job they can't pay for them. But yeah, all the employers fault for not paying enough, nothing to do with the irresponsible employee. Lets legislate a higher wage so those idiots can support the family they knew they could never support to begin with. Maybe I should buy that shiny new audi on credit then cry that its my bosses fault when it gets taken away from me because I can't actually make the credit payments.