Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs

I am not giving an opinion on this, just going to state my personal experience.
Some of you may know, or have seen me mention a time or two, I do work for the health department in one of the considered worst cities in America. A very large portion of my life is spent in what is considered some of the most violent and neglected communities in America.

Every single day I am approached by people. Sometimes they ask for a cigarette. Sometimes they ask for change. Sometimes they ask for a ride, or to use a cell phone, or tool, or whatever. On average of 3 times a year I am asked if I have any work available. After a week or so of working every day in their house they become accustomed to me and really start opening up. You seriously wouldn't believe the types of things I hear on a regular basis. When a job is brought up 24 out of 25 times it is to say how they "ain't never gonna get no job".
When they say that, do they mean it as in they aren't going to get one by choice, or do they mean they CAN'T get a job because of poor life choices that prevent employment?
You are showing your ignorance again. Title II is a part of civil rights, not civil rights. I DO believe in equality. So much so that I think laws for some and not others retard that equality. You disagree that all of us can exist under equal laws and call me racist for it. Odd.

so you are against the law that made it possible for blacks to enjoy the same equality as whites in public accommodations, but you are for equality?

and how does title II only apply to some and not others? it protects people of all races from discrimination.

there's a very specific subset of people who are against getting rid of racial discrimination in public accommodations, and they are called racists.

or should the blacks have just gone on enduring denial of service to protect racist food spitters? do you still stand behind that one, or have you gone two faced on that stand as well?
so you are against the law that made it possible for blacks to enjoy the same equality as whites in public accommodations, but you are for equality?

and how does title II only apply to some and not others? it protects people of all races from discrimination.

there's a very specific subset of people who are against getting rid of racial discrimination in public accommodations, and they are called racists.

or should the blacks have just gone on enduring denial of service to protect racist food spitters? do you still stand behind that one, or have you gone two faced on that stand as well?

Read a calender Buck. It's almost 2015. You seem to be stuck in the fifties regarding society.

I feel we have advanced past that for the most part, you don't. It's as simple as that, yet you can't process it so yell RACIST!!
When they say that, do they mean it as in they aren't going to get one by choice, or do they mean they CAN'T get a job because of poor life choices that prevent employment?
Bro, working to the people I am around is for suckers. They are all "hustlers".
Just another quick, recent, story. Guy living next door to the job we are on said the other day, "fuck that shit yall be doing. I hustle for my money". An hour later he comes out again and he says "I am heading to the store, any of you want something? Give me the cash and Ill pay with my food stamps"..

Damn, is that what hustling is? I would be freaking embarrassed to call myself a hustler and my big take is a handful of dollars for foodstamps. Of course I can buy foodstamps for 50c on the dollar ALL DAY LONG.
Read a calender Buck. It's almost 2015. You seem to be stuck in the fifties regarding society.

take a look at this forum and notice how many racist assholes like you are around.

racism is not dead, people like you and desert dude (a "decent" white nationalist) are doing a great job of keeping it alive.

so why do you want to make it legal to go back to racial discrimination in public accommodations? what possible goal are you hoping to accomplish?
Remember this next time you change what I write to what you THINK I mean instead and argue against that.

I don't change what you write. You write something, and usually it takes some deciphering because you're a mouthbreather but I try. So I reply, but then you write "I never wrote that" along with a vehement defense of what you swear you're not saying.

Can't have it both ways.
what about men who can't afford to have kids?

In a couple of years there will be an actual form of birth control for men, which doesn't require surgery.

At long last, it looks like male birth control is finally coming. Only, contrary to popular expectations, it’s not a male pill (which is still being developed), but an injection called Vasalgel.

Vasalgel, brainchild of the Parsemus Foundation, is a non-hormonal gel that's injected just above the testicles. It works by temporarily blocking sperm from flowing through the tubes, just like a vasectomy. The only difference? This one is reversible.
I don't change what you write. You write something, and usually it takes some deciphering because you're a mouthbreather but I try. So I reply, but then you write "I never wrote that" along with a vehement defense of what you swear you're not saying.

Can't have it both ways.

neo confederates, white nationalists, and racists have to use a ton of euphemism because their racism has become wildly unpopular in mainstream political thought. there is still a fringe out there that embraces non-PC speech and years for its return, but they are overrepresented on this forum.

thus their euphemism laden speech must be deciphered.
Bro, working to the people I am around is for suckers. They are all "hustlers".
Just another quick, recent, story. Guy living next door to the job we are on said the other day, "fuck that shit yall be doing. I hustle for my money". An hour later he comes out again and he says "I am heading to the store, any of you want something? Give me the cash and Ill pay with my food stamps"..

Damn, is that what hustling is? I would be freaking embarrassed to call myself a hustler and my big take is a handful of dollars for foodstamps. Of course I can buy foodstamps for 50c on the dollar ALL DAY LONG.
Yeah, well people with million dollar trust funds , a Ferrari in the 8,000 Sq Ft mansion's 5 car Garage, but with no actual income also qualify for food stamps.
take a look at this forum and notice how many racist assholes like you are around.

racism is not dead, people like you and desert dude (a "decent" white nationalist) are doing a great job of keeping it alive.

so why do you want to make it legal to go back to racial discrimination in public accommodations? what possible goal are you hoping to accomplish?

You must be a miserable person IRL. Oh wait, this is your life and you are miserable. Sorry for that man.

Serious answer to that last question. I feel we advance as a society when we are most free. Free to make wrong choices even. You don't make something go away through legislation, you make it go away through education.

If a person were to open a white's only establishment today, legally, it would be picketed, boycotted and shut down. For some reason you think there would be a litany of those establishments when all they'd have to do is become a private club with a penny a year or something fee. It's not being done, yet you refuse to admit this.

You will show one bakery out of 1000's as your proof that gays can't get service anywhere they want. Well, neither can I, neither can you.

this is somehow racist in buckyworld.
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Yeah, well people with million dollar trust funds , a Ferrari in the 8,000 Sq Ft mansion's 5 car Garage, but with no actual income also qualify for food stamps.
My post really had nothing to do with foodstamps.... It was just a laughable "hustle".
But, if you want to ignore truth and make it someone else's fault, then nothing changes. IMO this is the NUMBER 1 problem in the poor black communities. None of the problems can even be addressed because of the political correctness. Before you can fix problems you have to accept there are problems.
I don't change what you write. You write something, and usually it takes some deciphering because you're a mouthbreather but I try. So I reply, but then you write "I never wrote that" along with a vehement defense of what you swear you're not saying.

Can't have it both ways.

lol yes you do. You are constantly arguing against what you think I mean instead of what I say.

If you don't understand, ask for clarity. There's no shame. I'm not always clear in what I write, but who is?

To sit and deny you do this while calling me a liar is ironic.
take a look at this forum and notice how many racist assholes like you are around.

racism is not dead, people like you and desert dude (a "decent" white nationalist) are doing a great job of keeping it alive.

so why do you want to make it legal to go back to racial discrimination in public accommodations? what possible goal are you hoping to accomplish?
Dude, nearly 50% of the people you call racist are merely bigots or are stereotyping people. 49% of them you call racist just to be a dick and 1% are perhaps actually racists.
neo confederates, white nationalists, and racists have to use a ton of euphemism because their racism has become wildly unpopular in mainstream political thought. there is still a fringe out there that embraces non-PC speech and years for its return, but they are overrepresented on this forum.

thus their euphemism laden speech must be deciphered.
neo confederates, white nationalists, and racists have to use a ton of euphemism because their racism has become wildly unpopular in mainstream political thought. there is still a fringe out there that embraces non-PC speech and years for its return, but they are overrepresented on this forum.

thus their euphemism laden speech must be deciphered.

That it becomes a trap for them to swear they didn't say what they clearly implied is like icing on the cake. They get to say bigoted crap, then call you a liar when you call it what it is.