ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
im so fucked up , i lost my vape pen for like nearlly two hours , i ripped my whole house apart looking for it , but i couldnt find it , i have now found it in my , traccy bottoms , i took off two hours ago .
im fucked up , i took some brown crystals , not smack , ....mdma , its all good , and for one day i love you george
So, its been about a year and 5 days, since I first noticed the UFOs in My sky.
Also, its almost been exactly 2 years since I saw that "alien" being.
I haven't seen any "aliens" since My one and only encounter with that being, but I still see UFOs almost everday that its not too cloudy outside.
I wish I knew exactly what I saw and see, but I can only speculate. I can only think of a dichotomy, its either alien technology, or its above top secret military technology.
well if you had some really advanced technology above the things you see on the internet and tv... would you want the average dipshit to know much about it? No... you'd give them a little piece to look at and talk about once in a while, like a ufo in the sky... hahaha
It depends.
If this undisclosed technology had the power to destroy people, or the world, then no, I would not want to disclose this technology to the public. But if this technology had the power to create prosperity for the majority of people, then yes, I would want the public to know about it.
I don't see why it would be bad if the average person could fly around in a space craft? People should have the best technology available.
humanity is divided, and technology is always used to create weapons to kill people at this point.... especially aerial technology. Jet engines can be good for people, providing transportation etc., and also used for weaponry. I'd imagine the same goes with more advanced tech. I'm with you though, I don't like secrets.
what subject do u want to cover
they are real.........anyone that does not think that has not seen the math for the number of planets in the our galaxy .....the odds are their is several thousand of them able to support life ........add in the fact we are on the edge of a spiral arm meaning our planet/solar system was formed much later then the ones in the inner core galaxy .........and this is just one galaxy at last count accepted number was 100 to 200 billion just using sheer math something is out there most likely thousands of somethings given some will be kindly most logical answer is majory will look on us like bugs or rats with our low understanding of the everything ........with resources consumed by life the great the number the more likely space travel will be needed other wise the race is doomed
given all this if u see something it is important that u act like u do not see it .............if it wants to been seen it will if it is hiding then it might be willing to kill u for seeing it
they are real too ..........some of them are man made some of them are other races .............if u look at the flow of tech from the start of 1bc to now u will see a unrealistic upturn in the 1950/1960s the rate of tech is advancing in terms of months not years like other techs vacuum tubes to micro chips .......magnetic tapes to solid state drives ..........backwards engineering of crashed ships ........Velcro and Kevlar
from the sound of it u are close to something that wants to stay hidden.....different lights and shapes normally show different races ( style of a culture normally fallows a pattern) u have 1 of 3 things 1 base hidden and something looking for it 2 entrance to something with several race co-op 3 one of the governments test sites for new tech they backward engineered testing the design
space travel
this can be done now by the tech we have hell by the tech in the 1980s we could of been sending ppl to mars ( with a moon base solar travel is more then possible with what we have now because the gravity is much lower so the power is not wasted pulling away .....theory is we could reach the near the speed of light ) but a agreement was struck basically banning all space travel .......think about it why would nasa give up all the shuttles at once with out having a replacement to use ...........everything that goes up now is fired from Russia China 2 countries with a iron fist on info (if they do not want info to get out it does not get out) unlike here in USA snowden anyone ............the private space race is a joke if they wanted too they could be up there now they have the money and the tech scram jets work .........if they wanted too they could fly off like airplane get high enough on the scram jet then use a set of rockets to break orbit and be in space then change the angle of entry so comes in slower less heat build up land it like normal plane
@Nevaeh420 your back !!
everybody knows finnyYeah, I have been busy lately, hanging out with My friends and My family.
Do I know you? Who are you?
I always like meeting new people, but you talk like you know Me. Do I know you?
pick a subject i will tell u what i know as for videos and stuff to link ..............i really do not have that much most of my info comes from reading and listening for the most repeated facts (when something repeats their normally some truth to it )
as for the is just away i use to break up my thoughts when i type ........and grammar will only get worst because i do not care about it as long as the info is passed on that is good enough for me
government has know about aliens for ages they have the proof now of several races and even hybrids with humans ........but they will never tell or admit until something so big happens they can no longer hide it
think about how the world works ...........everything is based off the idea that there will be a tomorrow......with the knowning that other life is out there ppl would go nutz ..........thinking they are here to save us ...they are here to kill us...they are here to inslave us.....god is coming back.......the whole system would crash (the house of cards would fall) then they lose all control over ppl .............the roman church will have no more power ......governments and elite will no longer be able to control the masses
personally i am working of the NWO theory ...a large group of ppl out there know the truth and are actively working to break the system .........causing things and issues to get to the stressing point to make something happen ...........the end result is a world war killing off 7/8 of mankind ..........leaving the ones that started it and planned it in power at the end reverting back to midevil culture were they are kings and the rest of us are dirt
now they have 2 ideas about this one it is just humans doing it .......the other is humans are just slaves and it is really another race or races that are incharge
i am going with the 2nd choice .............rumor is JFK was kilt by our own ppl CIA SS whatever because he was going to talk to the american ppl about what is going on makes as much sense as anything else they come up with why it happend
edit ............some light reading
is this what u wanted