Club 600


Well-Known Member
Salt + 91% rubbing alchohol. 1:2. Plastic sandwich bag.

Rinse with warm sink water and get as much out as you can with a paper clip and water.. the rubbing alcohol and salt will get whatever is left.
Apparently --- didn’t notice COSTCO only sells 70% , will purchase 91% and try again, thanks everyone....


Well-Known Member
you need a light mover type trolly
Damn, Bob!
That little GIF of the skier brings back tons of awesome memories for me of my hotdog days.
Loved toking up on the lift up the mountain and scouting cool routes & jumps with my buddy.
We were monsters on the slope, and fearless.
Ski'd some crazy slopes back in Alaska.
That's the one activity I miss the most.
But I was getting out of it about the time snowboards had just been invented.
Those look like a blast.
Back is shot, so all I can do is remember and be amazed at what's been done in the last 20 years.
Sorry for the ramble: toking on some Sour Diesel outdoor from the dispensary right now.