Top 3 Worse Attributes

I am a dick
I have 1 hell of a temper
I break so much shit when pissed
I will flip out in a second.
I am quick to jump out my car/truck and snatch someone out a car
Its my way or no way
Put out or get out
I don't show affection
I aslso baby and spoil my 3.5 year old and get yelled at all yhe time
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At least the safe.people are white amd the idiots that fall off ladders are black( warning labels on ladders)
My stomach hurts
I've got diarrhea
I've been pissing butt water all day!

And my penis is too big! I have to hold it up so it doesn't touch the water, or sides of the inner toilet wall.
im semi homicidal

whenever i watch mma or boxing i find myself pacing back and forth , hands in a fist, and teeth clinched with no idea how long ive been at it .

ive put mt stepdad in the hospital 3 times thru the years for some payback , so im a social pariah with my own family & i dont give a shit .
I enjoy being snarky at funerals
When folks take offense, I act all innocent and make them feel like they were the disrespectful ones