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I agree with everyone else that you should shut it down for a while. I don't think you need to move or anything. If they are going to try and fuck you over, they will most likely do it now. I shut down for well over a year due to a similar situation. I am glad I did too. A few days after I tore everything down, I had some police show up for a knock and talk. I didn't answer, but a few days later I had a guy from the gas company show up to check something on my meter. He may very well have been from the gas company, but he was the only guy from the gas company who has ever wanted in my house in almost ten years living here. It is a shitty and frustrating position to be in, but being cautious and smart is the best move right now.
I would have offered my fist to their face. Why show kindness to someone stealing from you? I have no problem giving weed to friends, but someone who steals from you isn't your friend. If someone wants free weed they should grow it themselves, and not act like you owe it to them. It sounds like you are trying to be a good guy, but you are setting yourself up to be taken advantage of by mooches and parasites.

Second. Though perhaps the differentiation comes in the way each person defines friend. I imagine that it is possible to have friends who are kleptos or whatever and still are a good person. So there could be extraneous circumstances where his friend had a problem and they talked about it and worked it out.

A LOT of people steal only because they're afraid to admit what they need to others. It's a pride thing. An ironic pride thing that defeats itself constantly because of the guilt that stacks up with each time they try to hide something to keep their "public pride record" clean.
long story guys he came from out of state at the last minute..He''s 23 yo....I did everything i could...changed door lock to cellar so only i had the key...took all my weed that was in the closet and put in locked in my grow cabinet in the vegg chamber...I cemented all the nails so he couldn't take the cab apart (in the past when he was a teenage he took a bar aprat I built to get to our whiskey) ...I had to rush to do all this stuff....

I had a lock on it but I spaced the fact that it was held in by wood screws rather than nuts and bolts....that little fucking piece of shit pried the fucking lock off.....I think he also tried prying open one of the doors before this as there seems to be a gap now on one of the doors to the vegg section....

I tell you what...I try to live morally right...I even have read the bible though its been a while....

I usually have no problems forgiving people, and in fact when people do shitty things to me I usually pray that they get better.....But this time I am having a real hard time not wishing ill will on this little fucking piece of shit.

What do you guys think about bad karma ? That little fucker should have stolen a laptop from best buy and sold it if he was that fucking hard up....I am by no means rich....I have a tough time paying the bills...I don't even have health insurance, and I really need to get to some doctors but I can't....I have psoriasis, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease....Basically this little fucker stole from the poor...Go be a fucking Robin Hood, and steal form the rich - not that it's ok but I feel the brunt of the theft would have been worse than from stealing from someone like me....

And to top it off how do I know he didn't open my cab up during lights off thus possibly causing the two plants in there to herm ?

That fucking piece of low life fucking garbage...I don't know...he came here to visit...we fed him...he used our internet...watched our tv when we were at work....My no ex-gf took him to one of the 7 natural wonders of the world (which that little fucker now has on his facebook page)

What do that fuck tell people about the weed ? Oh heyyy this is good bud, where'd you get it ? Does he say he stole it ?

That fucking piece of shit.....I don't know...Having a real hard time not wishing bad things upon him.

He has never apologized over things he did to me int he past..My gf never asked me about him coming here...It was like he is on a bus and will be here in 8 hours...FUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK....

So naturally I was not happy with him over things he did as a teenager in the past ...I dont have kids...My now ex has 4.....He did try to talk to me but I gave him the cold shoulder and did not talk to him the whole time he was here - about 2 weeks....She says well thats why he stole your weed cause you didn't talk to him....


Wow, first sorry this happened. justthought id give my thoughts on karma. there is no "bad" or even "good" karma just each of our Darma. Also i beleive most of each persons karma is born with that individual and in most cases doing shitty things dont make shitty things happen, but the state of mind that changes as someone sacrifices their own moral compass activily creates more"shitty" things to happen to that personn. Do you see people who constantly are stuck in the same situation, whether unhealthy relationship, addictions(to more than substances), or theft! The trick is to have compassion and empathy for these people EVEN when they wrong you or cause you pain. Every human emotion goes against this idea but to have compassion for your worst enemy is the root fullfilling our own astral KArma. These lesson have been planned since before we were thought of and the lessons to come are already there, nothing we can do will stop any of it from happening so I find why not except it all. If you read any of the Gospels when reading the Bible you know we our to turn the other cheek. Dont give in and be vengefull but take our lesson, change and learn. Be thankfull to that Kid who stole from you for the lesson. Have empathy for his situation. Or I could be a fucking nut lol Again im sorry this happened to you . Im sure things will work out for you. good luck
Wow, first sorry this happened. justthought id give my thoughts on karma. there is no "bad" or even "good" karma just each of our Darma. Also i beleive most of each persons karma is born with that individual and in most cases doing shitty things dont make shitty things happen, but the state of mind that changes as someone sacrifices their own moral compass activily creates more"shitty" things to happen to that personn. Do you see people who constantly are stuck in the same situation, whether unhealthy relationship, addictions(to more than substances), or theft! The trick is to have compassion and empathy for these people EVEN when they wrong you or cause you pain. Every human emotion goes against this idea but to have compassion for your worst enemy is the root fullfilling our own astral KArma. These lesson have been planned since before we were thought of and the lessons to come are already there, nothing we can do will stop any of it from happening so I find why not except it all. If you read any of the Gospels when reading the Bible you know we our to turn the other cheek. Dont give in and be vengefull but take our lesson, change and learn. Be thankfull to that Kid who stole from you for the lesson. Have empathy for his situation. Or I could be a fucking nut lol Again im sorry this happened to you . Im sure things will work out for you. good luck
Not really.

"Bad karma" comes from people being constantly shitty to others; it eventually "catches up to them," in that they end up being shitty to a person who WILL NOT TOLERATE IT, at which point a significant retaliation is encountered, due to the aforementioned shitty person's transgressions. If you go around taking advantage of everyone who lets you, you'll eventually encounter someone who won't... and it might be VERY damaging to you (which you would at that point deserve).

I agree that we should try not to lose compassion for those who have ailments and afflictions influencing their decisions... but there's a line, and you can't let people cross it without checking them, or they'll end up standing on the wrong side (your side) of the line, with nothing stopping them from interfering with your life.

The other side of "bad karma," comes similarly from the same shitty people being shitty to others... but those "good people" who ALLOW this to occur, duly experience hardship as either a direct or indirect result. If you want to avoid bad things happening to you, the first step is to refrain from causing them, but after that, you must realize that you do not control the actions or thoughts of others, and so sometimes you have to physically prevent someone from causing a problem for you, or that problem will be caused for you, by someone else, whom you do not control. You can't just keep turning the other cheek, when someone is punching you with both fists, in both cheeks. It doesn't solve anything. It just gets your ass kicked, and shows them there is no consequence for their transgressions.

"God" isn't here (whether it exists or not). We have to handle shit ourselves, or shit will be as wrong as "those people" are able to make it, in pursuit of their purely self-serving goals, and in absence of consideration of the harm that may come to others, through their actions.

Some people are completely inconsiderate of others, and will destroy you for less than a penny, or even over something completely fictional. Some people will even INVENT fiction, just to have any excuse (regardless of the lack of validity of an excuse based on fiction) to do whatever harm they desire to do to others, for any reason, or none at all. Don't let those people decide what happens in your life.
Not really.

"Bad karma" comes from people being constantly shitty to others; it eventually "catches up to them," in that they end up being shitty to a person who WILL NOT TOLERATE IT, at which point a significant retaliation is encountered, due to the aforementioned shitty person's transgressions. If you go around taking advantage of everyone who lets you, you'll eventually encounter someone who won't... and it might be VERY damaging to you (which you would at that point deserve).

I agree that we should try not to lose compassion for those who have ailments and afflictions influencing their decisions... but there's a line, and you can't let people cross it without checking them, or they'll end up standing on the wrong side (your side) of the line, with nothing stopping them from interfering with your life.

The other side of "bad karma," comes similarly from the same shitty people being shitty to others... but those "good people" who ALLOW this to occur, duly experience hardship as either a direct or indirect result. If you want to avoid bad things happening to you, the first step is to refrain from causing them, but after that, you must realize that you do not control the actions or thoughts of others, and so sometimes you have to physically prevent someone from causing a problem for you, or that problem will be caused for you, by someone else, whom you do not control. You can't just keep turning the other cheek, when someone is punching you with both fists, in both cheeks. It doesn't solve anything. It just gets your ass kicked, and shows them there is no consequence for their transgressions.

"God" isn't here (whether it exists or not). We have to handle shit ourselves, or shit will be as wrong as "those people" are able to make it, in pursuit of their purely self-serving goals, and in absence of consideration of the harm that may come to others, through their actions.

Some people are completely inconsiderate of others, and will destroy you for less than a penny, or even over something completely fictional. Some people will even INVENT fiction, just to have any excuse (regardless of the lack of validity of an excuse based on fiction) to do whatever harm they desire to do to others, for any reason, or none at all. Don't let those people decide what happens in your life.

Maybe your right. But i just dont buy into good or bad karma. I dont think Karma has do to with this life whatsoever but what we bring with us from the past, or even future existance. Just being in every moment and not letting anyones actions have any influence over me or my actions lets me live out the my true karmatic responsiblity. We can have no view of the true power of every action. perhaps this thief kid will off some of the stoeln stash to future inventor or humanitarian whose first hit is a catylyst to seeing true potential.

Im not saying let everyone walk all over me by any means. I will protect my property because the game we play is one of material stuff. Even these bodies we inhabit is just stuff. But thats just the game and the reality is darma. i choose what has an influence over my emotions, somebody wants to rob me. they need it more thats ok. its just stuff. someone wants to end my existence thats ok too, its just one experience of which every one of us will have countless more. So in my reality at least, none of it really matters. O and "God" as majority of judeo-christian influenced culutres think does not exsist nno. But perhaps Us handlieing shit ourselfs is an incarnations of some astral being just as every moment of consciouness is. Im not saying i know what it is. maybe god is life on a global level, through evolution chooseing to feel and expeirence the Whole specctrum of emotion through human incarnation.
Maybe your right. But i just dont buy into good or bad karma. I dont think Karma has do to with this life whatsoever but what we bring with us from the past, or even future existance. Just being in every moment and not letting anyones actions have any influence over me or my actions lets me live out the my true karmatic responsiblity. We can have no view of the true power of every action. perhaps this thief kid will off some of the stoeln stash to future inventor or humanitarian whose first hit is a catylyst to seeing true potential.

Im not saying let everyone walk all over me by any means. I will protect my property because the game we play is one of material stuff. Even these bodies we inhabit is just stuff. But thats just the game and the reality is darma. i choose what has an influence over my emotions, somebody wants to rob me. they need it more thats ok. its just stuff. someone wants to end my existence thats ok too, its just one experience of which every one of us will have countless more. So in my reality at least, none of it really matters. O and "God" as majority of judeo-christian influenced culutres think does not exsist nno. But perhaps Us handlieing shit ourselfs is an incarnations of some astral being just as every moment of consciouness is. Im not saying i know what it is. maybe god is life on a global level, through evolution chooseing to feel and expeirence the Whole specctrum of emotion through human incarnation.

When i say "karma," i'm referring to the realistic consequences of accumulating misdeeds, and the simple logic that "if you go around doing bad things to people, someone will eventually retaliate" (no matter who you are, or how much of a badass you might think you are, there is always someone out there, bigger, badder, smarter, faster, better equipped, or just downright lucky enough to defeat you). I don't mean any magical/mystical/supernatural hocus pocus, i just mean that being destructive and hurtful tends to piss people off, and not everyone will just let it slide.

Of course, probabilities aren't guarantees, so it's also possible for a total jerk to go around being a total jerk their entire life, and never really "get what's coming to them." But most people won't get away with it. Probably. lol.
So sorry, I hope it is calming down. It hurts when you have been involved and something like this happens. I wouldn't take revenge, you are too vulnerable. I think keeping low is the best. If you were to get into trouble with the law, this will seem like nothing. Wait, and move forward with your life. It will get better.
You ain't the first you won't be the last..
I would for the membership, like you to resolve this in a peaceful and positive way
..that said I still believe its either HER or WEED not both..?
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You ain't the first you won't be the last..
.I would for the membership, like you to resolve this in a peaceful and positive way
..that said I still believe its either HER or WEED not both..?
Trustworthy people are scarce. Makes life that much less than it could be.
Sorry about your luck man.

First thing is get her and all her shit out of the house.

Second chop down anything salvageable and take down your entire grow.
Theres no force on this planet as nasty as a bitch that thinks she was wronged.

Thirdly move the fuck away from all them and cut ties with any mutual friends that might tell her where u went. Do not set up again til u are the only person who knows about ur grow.
Every single person that knows about your grow will and or has already told atleast ten friends.
By the sound of things your lucky it didnt happen sooner.
Sounds horrible man but try to be optimistic.....
Its better to have lost half ur shit to a jackass kid then lose all of it plus your freedom if it were a cop.
Take the life lesson and move on. Dont give people the benefit of the doubt.
People are scumbags who dont think twice about fukkin someone over.

Good luck with the move and rebuild
Sorry about your luck man.

First thing is get her and all her shit out of the house.

Second chop down anything salvageable and take down your entire grow.
Theres no force on this planet as nasty as a bitch that thinks she was wronged.

Thirdly move the fuck away from all them and cut ties with any mutual friends that might tell her where u went. Do not set up again til u are the only person who knows about ur grow.
Every single person that knows about your grow will and or has already told atleast ten friends.
By the sound of things your lucky it didnt happen sooner.
Sounds horrible man but try to be optimistic.....
Its better to have lost half ur shit to a jackass kid then lose all of it plus your freedom if it were a cop.
Take the life lesson and move on. Dont give people the benefit of the doubt.
People are scumbags who dont think twice about fukkin someone over.

Good luck with the move and rebuild

This guy says it best, all I can add is do all of the above and in a year or so you'll be over the whole thing. That, and realize you're NEVER getting back with her no matter what. Being the smaller and weaker sex, women CAN BE very fucking crafty.
Good for you not answering the door when the cops showed up.

You don't have to let them in!

I agree with everyone else that you should shut it down for a while. I don't think you need to move or anything. If they are going to try and fuck you over, they will most likely do it now. I shut down for well over a year due to a similar situation. I am glad I did too. A few days after I tore everything down, I had some police show up for a knock and talk. I didn't answer, but a few days later I had a guy from the gas company show up to check something on my meter. He may very well have been from the gas company, but he was the only guy from the gas company who has ever wanted in my house in almost ten years living here. It is a shitty and frustrating position to be in, but being cautious and smart is the best move right now.
Talk to a good locksmith about changing all the locks. It only takes a screw driver to replace deadbolts and doorknobs, but if you want them to all use the same key, you will need to get a pin job done. (not sure what it's called)

Basically, a 5 pin lock has 10 pins, 5 key pins and 5 drive pins. They can even use special "mushroom" or serrated pins on 1 or more pins to make it more difficult to pick. Make sure you get locks with at least 5 pins! The serrated pins trick the lock picker into thinking the drive pin just reached the sheer line, when it's really just a dip in the pin.

Anyway, they have a ton of pins they can mix and match to fit whatever key you want. I think they just mix and match until they find the right combo.

I can pick most locks with 3 pins in under 10 seconds. 4 pins takes me about 1-5 minutes, and 5 pins starts to become more of a challenge, especially if 1 or more pins is a "antipick" pin.


I've been reading also that locksmiths tend to work with cops a lot, so don't tell them about your grow op!
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