Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Sorry you two, I have midterms this week and shit is crazy and I'm trying to remember the math I already forgot. LoL

@tekdc911 Not much change on the plant. I mean it looks about the same as the last pics so not sure. I just figured I would let it do it thing as see what changes happen and if I see any I'll take a photo of it so it can be documented.

@roseypeach , I don't have mine plugged in. I use my wireless while my wireless router and modem are in the bedroom on a separate coax. I only really use a direct connect when I'm working on my server.
It's all gravy ;) I know you're in school bro, plus Sunni was complaining earlier about her exams coming I really need to hit my book, Fig lost his voice and is sick so he isn't quizzing me just oops..hahahaha

anyways dude, get er done. You know we'll be around.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sgt, get a pic in the morn for me? Solar eclipse 645 am, show off that can for us ;)
You want to see my cans do you¿ mmmhmmm. :P :wink:

Dude, my pupes are not that great? Well, not according to my mom.. I thought I told you to stop talking about that... Everyone keeps asking me about it...
I'm really sorry to have to leave this conversation....

I'll see what I can do. :P LOL :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You want to see my cans do you¿ mmmhmmm. :P :wink:

Dude, my pupes are not that great? Well, not according to my mom.. I thought I told you to stop talking about that... Everyone keeps asking me about it...
I'm really sorry to have to leave this conversation....

I'll see what I can do. :P LOL :mrgreen:


You do that,! I swear you're a damn hot mess!!

You just think you're so hot..:P



Well-Known Member
so i was trying to lst my favorite plant out of the bunch just give the buds a different angle to the light ....... and i split it down the main stem .... like spread her legs and she split all the way to the next set of nodes :? so i wrapped her up ....... two biggest cola's are those two branches soo....ya..... that was pretty awesome to do half way through flower ....... :D


Well-Known Member
so i was trying to lst my favorite plant out of the bunch just give the buds a different angle to the light ....... and i split it down the main stem .... like spread her legs and she split all the way to the next set of nodes :? so i wrapped her up ....... two biggest cola's are those two branches soo....ya..... that was pretty awesome to do half way through flower ....... :D
It split and you got two?


Well-Known Member
lol na like pull the arms off a Y is pretty much what happened
I had one od that before. Started out with one, the top fell off, then that son of a bitch put out two more. Called it the two headed monster. She didn't do that great, had low quality nutes that were branded into my brain. It should have done much better.

I'm going with a custom soil mix next time around. Those babies will get nothing but water and a few feedings the first 8 weeks. I am done with trying to change what nature does with what some folks think are neat tricks. Foundation is everything. I'm studying fundamental hort right now for growing, then I'm moving up to hydro. You wouldn't believe the material I have to work with, one text is over 1100 pages long, only in epub.