Well-Known Member
I bet you're 17
haha woww..funny guy
I bet you're 17
WTF?! Sorry but how does that work?! Since when can't u be an adult if u live with your parents?! Not many 18 year olds can afford there own place! I know i can't so does that make me a child?! Sorry but that seems stupid to me i do have a job and i am saving up for my own place. Come on though get real most people are still studying full time at this age so can't afford there own place. Even if i had of had a job since i left school 2 years ago, i still couldn't afford my own place now. House prices are just too high! I pay my way, help out. It's just not possible for some people to have there own place at this age! Even if i could afford to move out then i proberly wouldn't cos i'm needed to much here to help out with my little brothers and stuff. Sorry but i don't see the problem if the person who owns the property knows you are growing like in my case. But on the other hand i can understand where your coming from, because that was a stupid fucking comment and shows how childish some people are. That doesn't make us all like that though! Sorry i just think you should be a bit more open minded not everything is so black and white.
You said that you are studying full time, most likely on your parents dime, living in their house, eathing their food, but you are a grown up? I don't mean to insult you but that sounds like being a child to me. I'm simply trying to point out that being 18 doesn't equal adulthood.
Obviously you never went to college or ever did some serious studying..yeah sure you still live at home when your at school and maybe your parents do pay some of the college tution..but you are grown up to be studying,to be going to class on your own time, to be able to get into the damn school..thats the most patedic thing ive ever heard calling someone in school not a adult because they can have expensise meet because of the school fees..i think your the one whos not an adult here and has such a narrow mind
I guess you've never argued with an 18 year old kid at 4 am over what being an adult is. I guess you've never had a child turn 18 and decide that since they are 18 that equals being an adult so they can do whatever the hell they want.
Once you've had these conversations, and been through these same trials you will understand where I'm coming from.
18 doesn't mean grown up, paying your own bills, buying your own food, cooking said food, cleaning up after said meal, paying for your own car, and insurance, and gas. That's adult.
Only someone who still lives with their parents while playing the "I'm a grownup" card would be offended.
this one funny ass battle thread hahah
Curse you for linking that.
Guilty conscience?
When someone says "I'm over 18 that makes me an adult" . No that makes you legally an adult, but not in any other way. . If you think being 18 means that you can make your own rules no matter who it hurts, still a child. If you think being 18 means you don't have to respect the house rules, totally still a child.
You said that you are studying full time, most likely on your parents dime, living in their house, eathing their food, but you are a grown up? I don't mean to insult you but that sounds like being a child to me. I'm simply trying to point out that being 18 doesn't equal adulthood.
One more thing to point out to kids who want to grow on their parents property. The cops can and will confiscate the property. So everything your parents worked for their entire lives will be gone, in an instant, so when you do get out of jail for growing, you won't even have a home to go crying to, of course neither will your parents.
Good post. But you did kinda break it down for them exactlly what to do.
yeah but when you go on sites like these for information/research you put your all into it, looking twice at every light you see , roll about in bed thinking of how this decision could effect your life , i may not be 21 but i have enough common sense to work out what i should and shouldn't do . People with that little common sense don't do research.. Im not like " yeah mate gonna grow aloda weed innit and sell it and shit" i am growing my own so i don't have to associate myself with those types of people. Its safe and im sure il get better quality
Yeah but when you go on sites like these for information/research You put your all into it, looking twice at every light you see , roll about in bed thinking of how this decision could effect your life , I may not be 21 but i have enough common sense to work out what i should and shouldn't do . people with that little common sense don't do research.. im not like " YEAH MATE GONNA GROW ALODA WEED INNIT AND SELL IT AND SHIT" i am growing my own so i don't have to associate myself with those types of people. its safe and im sure il get better quality