Doctors that will sign.

Friend of mine just went to DR Goddard in Chilliwack and got a full prescription (NO MMPR) which sates that the patient uses this much MJ per day and is allowed to posses it. Cost him $100. I'm gonna set up an appointment for next week to get in.

You have an MMPR script right?
This is interesting, so he would just carry around his prescription as his identification for being legal?

Health Canada is trying to say that only LP product is allowed. But when doctors prescribe patients to a CC or just write them a prescription, how can Health Canada argue? They are the ones that put the prescription process in the doctors hands.

I hope more doctors do stuff like this.

He'll be at my shop shortly so I'll take a look at it. Basically you carry it like a prescription, not sure if it mentions section 56 like Conroy says to get. Which means if you can posses you can now grow if your PL was good before Sept 31.
He didn't have it on him as he put it on the wall next to his PPL but says its just a note with the doctors heading stating 20 grams per day for consumption and he's allowed to posses cannabis on him for medical usage.
Can anyone vouch for do no harm clinic in terms of Dr. referrals? Their site says $99. Trying to get signed up with a CC since things in my area have become unreliable
I went through the do no harm clinic and they were spectacular.,when HC was trying to dick me out of my ppl, they stepped up everytime and sent HC whatever they needed. I got my ppl on November 21, 2013 only because I had all the paperwork in by August 31. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again if I had to.
He didn't have it on him as he put it on the wall next to his PPL but says its just a note with the doctors heading stating 20 grams per day for consumption and he's allowed to posses cannabis on him for medical usage.
Got the same note from my doc. Its a Reg 53 note under the CDSA. The law states a physician can issue any narcotic to there patients if they see fit, i mean ANY narcotic that is under the CDSA. This is what conroy had posted on his site...its border-lining a Section 56 just without jumping through the courts to get it. Its easier to have with you and defend yourself later.

Mine goes like this

Indoor plant count
Doc Signature
Doc Stamp

Also got him to sign my expired ATP/PUPL with his name,date and stamp. Im not legal in HCs eyes but im bullet proof if the cops come.
Having never been in the MMAR, would the same rules apply to me if I were to get my doc to do up some paperwork same as yours did? I have had enough of this MMPR garbage and would like to cover my ass if I decide to grow my own. I have copies of the medical documents that I had to send to every L.P I have been with but I don't know if that's enough proof.
Having never been in the MMAR, would the same rules apply to me if I were to get my doc to do up some paperwork same as yours did? I have had enough of this MMPR garbage and would like to cover my ass if I decide to grow my own. I have copies of the medical documents that I had to send to every L.P I have been with but I don't know if that's enough proof.
Thats a sticky one, id say possession yes but growing no.
Il let the cop go read his book and waste his time, but il print it and keep it filed. Hopefully i remember to bring it in to get signed...more proof the marrier.
So has anyone been to any of these new clinics that were supposed to open?
Is dr abbasi still signing?

If you get the new card or whatever u still have to buy from an lp doesnt it cost a fortune every month?
So has anyone been to any of these new clinics that were supposed to open?
Is dr abbasi still signing?

If you get the new card or whatever u still have to buy from an lp doesnt it cost a fortune every month?

I have MMPR prescription signed but seriously no way will I buy from a LP. In BC lower mainland prices seem to fluctuate between 1300-1450 atm. Way cheaper then any LP. If the prices go up, which they won't as California exports are done for good I'll just grow my own.

Ill be making an appointment to see Goddard before the end of the month and will report back. If I can get a non MMPR related prescription I'm good to go for anything non LP.
I have been trying to get a dr to sign for me for yrs but none want to get involved in mj.
I found a bunch that will sign online but i dont have 4-500$. Id rather spend that money on actual meds, not that i even could.
I have been trying to get a dr to sign for me for yrs but none want to get involved in mj.
I found a bunch that will sign online but i dont have 4-500$. Id rather spend that money on actual meds, not that i even could.
I'm pretty sure someone said something lately about the do no hrm clinic and $99? I don't know if that helps you at all.
I have MMPR prescription signed but seriously no way will I buy from a LP. In BC lower mainland prices seem to fluctuate between 1300-1450 atm. Way cheaper then any LP. If the prices go up, which they won't as California exports are done for good I'll just grow my own.

Ill be making an appointment to see Goddard before the end of the month and will report back. If I can get a non MMPR related prescription I'm good to go for anything non LP.

I hear BC outdoor had a good year, if true will this affect the prices?