majority of employers favor raising minimum wage

by the way, chicken of the sea did not go under or shut its doors, they moved operations to georgia where the min wage was the same or higher as the one they were adopting in samoa.
So you are saying that no one in Samoa lost their job? Citation needed, but you aint got it. Racists from Stormfront never do.
So you are saying that no one in Samoa lost their job?

read back and see what you were responding to, shit for brains.

buck's claim: no business has ever gone under due to a raise int he minimum wage.

nodrama mental retardation: chicken of the sea!

reality: chicken of the sea moved from samoa, supposedly due to min wage, to georgia, which had the same minimum wage or higher.

conclusion: nodrama is mentally retarded and has not satisfied buck's challenge in any way.
read what i wrote, smart guy.

the link to an opinion piece from a paid shill for a right wing think tank works just fine.

the link to chicken of the sea's announcement is broken.

try it yourself, if you're not too busy being homicidal or hanging curtains, the former possibly being a byproduct of the latter.

I did try it right after he posted it and I read the entire article. Did your filthy liberal 486 computer foul up the Forbes server. Filthy liberals.
The link works fine, just not when Buck purposely has it misdirect in an attempt to divert divert divert so that no one notices him flailing so hard.

For all those that missed it:

Link works perfectly fine and you will notice that the "high level Economist" isn't a right wing think tank, its actually – Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor
The link works fine, just not when Buck purposely has it misdirect in an attempt to divert divert divert so that no one notices him flailing so hard.

For all those that missed it:

Link works perfectly fine and you will notice that the "high level Economist" isn't a right wing think tank, its actually – Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor

she works for the manhattan institute, a right wing think tank.

your link to chicken of the sea's announcement does not work either.

did they get to pay workers in georgia less than minimum wage when they packe dup and moved from samoa?
she works for the manhattan institute, a right wing think tank.
A think tank focused on promoting free-market principles whose mission is to "develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility."

Sounds like racists. Probably members at Stromfront, are they?

PS, link works perfect, every time, all the time.
A think tank focused on promoting free-market principles whose mission is to "develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility."

Sounds like racists. Probably members at Stromfront, are they?

PS, link works perfect, every time, all the time.

they are a self described right wing think tank. the only info you provide is a link to the opinion of a biased right winger.


but it doesn't really matter, since they moved from samoa to georgia anyway, where the minimum wage is the same or higher.

so your example fails on all levels.
Scott Walker: "The minimum wage serves no purpose"

"You were asked if you thought someone could live on the minimum wage in the state, and you said we should be trying to come up with jobs that pay more than that, and then you said "The way you do that is not by setting an arbitrary amount by the state." That sounds like you're not particularly a fan of the minimum wage. What is your position on the minimum wage? Should we have it?"

"Well, I'm not going to appeal it but I.. I don't think it... it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at, I want the people to make, like I said the other night, 2 or 3 times that. The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we're putting in place is not for people to be getting minimum wage jobs, it's the training, whether it's apprenticeships, or tech colleges, or the UW system, it's to try and provide the training and skills, the talents, the expertise the people need to create careers that pay many many times over."


Listen to this fucktard...
Last edited:
Scott Walker: "The minimum wage serves no purpose"

"You were asked if you thought someone could live on the minimum wage in the state, and you said we should be trying to come up with jobs that pay more than that, and then you said "The way you do that is not by setting an arbitrary amount by the state." That sounds like you're not particularly a fan of the minimum wage. What is your position on the minimum wage? Should we have it?"

"Well, I'm not going to appeal it but I.. I don't think it... it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at, I want the people to make, like I said the other night, 2 or 3 times that. The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we're putting in place is not for people to be getting minimum wage jobs, it's the training, whether it's apprenticeships, or tech colleges, or the UW system, it's to try and provide the training and skills, the talents, the expertise the people need to create careers that pay many many times over."


Listen to this fucktard...
So getting people into minimum wage jobs (like yours) should be the priority instead of education and training so the person doesn't need the minimum wage job at all?

So getting people into minimum wage jobs (like yours) should be the priority instead of education and training so the person doesn't need the minimum wage job at all?



So delicious, Herrekin!

You didn't watch the video, and I was counting on that!

Watch the video to see why you are such an idiot while I savor this delicious taste of butthurt and corned beef and cabbage
"His argument is that: "Well I'm a good guy, I don't ever want anybody to make the minimum, so since I want people to make double it, or triple that, uh, and they should be making more, therefor the whole minimum wage conversation is irrelevant and I refuse to give you an honest answer." Why is that stupid? Because it doesn't matter how many people you WANT to make double or triple or quadruple the minimum wage. We live in the real world. You might as well have said "uhh, I would like it if everybody has a cute little puppy and a unicorn and we can all hang out with elves and slide down rainbows and sing kumbaya with Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and other ghosts..." But that's not gonna happen, it's not gonna happen that we live in a real world where everybody is middle class or rich, so that talking point is so vacuous and so vapid and it's such a dodge, because it's a way to make really dumb conservatives to just nod along in agreement like "Yeeeeaaha, minimum never, never try to get the minimum, always gotta go for the maximum, always gotta try to go higher, set the bar high, work hard, yeeeah!" But that disregards the fact that many people spend their entire lives working hard and they never make more than the minimum wage, for a variety of reasons, there are so many reasons why that may happen, I mean there's barriers in place economically, corruption in the system is often times a roadblock, sometimes there's racism involved, sometimes sexism, sometimes there's extenuating circumstances with family members or you don't come from a high enough socio-economic class to begin with in order to work your way up the ladder and you never had a fair shot, you were never able to get a certain level of education because you didn't have the money and you couldn't get loans, I mean the list goes on and on of all the reasons why there are plenty of people who work perfectly hard, who work really hard, they work 2 or 3 jobs that are full time jobs, at minimum wage, and they can't survive."

"His argument is that: "Well I'm a good guy, I don't ever want anybody to make the minimum, so since I want people to make double it, or triple that, uh, and they should be making more, therefor the whole minimum wage conversation is irrelevant and I refuse to give you an honest answer." Why is that stupid? Because it doesn't matter how many people you WANT to make double or triple or quadruple the minimum wage. We live in the real world. You might as well have said "uhh, I would like it if everybody has a cute little puppy and a unicorn and we can all hang out with elves and slide down rainbows and sing kumbaya with Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and other ghosts..." But that's not gonna happen, it's not gonna happen that we live in a real world where everybody is middle class or rich, so that talking point is so vacuous and so vapid and it's such a dodge, because it's a way to make really dumb conservatives to just nod along in agreement like "Yeeeeaaha, minimum never, never try to get the minimum, always gotta go for the maximum, always gotta try to go higher, set the bar high, work hard, yeeeah!" But that disregards the fact that many people spend their entire lives working hard and they never make more than the minimum wage, for a variety of reasons, there are so many reasons why that may happen, I mean there's barriers in place economically, corruption in the system is often times a roadblock, sometimes there's racism involved, sometimes sexism, sometimes there's extenuating circumstances with family members or you don't come from a high enough socio-economic class to begin with in order to work your way up the ladder and you never had a fair shot, you were never able to get a certain level of education because you didn't have the money and you couldn't get loans, I mean the list goes on and on of all the reasons why there are plenty of people who work perfectly hard, who work really hard, they work 2 or 3 jobs that are full time jobs, at minimum wage, and they can't survive."

I don't even disagree with the minimum wage or gradual inflation-related increases so I don't know what you so mad for.

You also have to realistically recognise that the minimum wage is not supposed to be a livable wage for adults with or without dependents.
Scott Walker: "The minimum wage serves no purpose"

"I want the people to make, like I said the other night, 2 or 3 times that. The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we're putting in place is not for people to be getting minimum wage jobs,"


Listen to this fucktard...

That's what I heard when I read that. He doesn't want people to make min wage. He wants them to make way more than that and is creating programs to do just that.

Why you want him to focus on making min wage jobs idk.
This has got to be the dumbest thread ever...

If an employer wants to or needs to pay above minimum wage they simply do so... Minimum wage jobs are not the majority of jobs in America despite what Padwan thinks.
Its Padawans world, just minimum wage job after minimum wage job.

It frustrates him because he thinks so highly of his own intelligence.
So getting people into minimum wage jobs (like yours) should be the priority instead of education and training so the person doesn't need the minimum wage job at all?

There are jobs that SHOULD be paid a lower wage. They're essential jobs to our daily lives, but they require little to no training. E.g. cashiers, gas attendants, retail employees, stock personnel, etc. If these jobs weren't filled, everyone would suffer but that doesn't mean the people doing those jobs should suffer below the livable income level.

Also, there will ALWAYS be people who either don't have access to the opportunities that others do for education, simply can't afford it, or life has thrown circumstances at them that have removed the option for education from their lives.

It's a complete pipe-dream to think that min wage shouldn't exist because min wage jobs wouldn't exist in a perfect world.

You might as well say that armies shouldn't exist in the real world, because war wouldn't exist in a perfect world. lol
The link works fine, just not when Buck purposely has it misdirect in an attempt to divert divert divert so that no one notices him flailing so hard.

For all those that missed it:

Link works perfectly fine and you will notice that the "high level Economist" isn't a right wing think tank, its actually – Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor
the link you have in bold does work, BUT the story contains an important link in the body that does not work (Chicken of the Sea, the tuna company, announced this month that it will close its canning plant in American Samoa in September ). Due to the fact this story, written by Diana Furchtgott-Roth was an opinion I would have liked to have seen what the non-working link actually revealed.

I do believe comparing the situation on an Island in the middle of the South Pacific to the whole USA is unwise. American Samoa is nothing economically like the U.S. They only have one thing going for them and that is tuna. It has been suggested that they could have avoided the tuna layoffs if rather than laying off minimum wage workers, the companies should reduce salaries and bonuses of top-tier employees.
the link you have in bold does work, BUT the story contains an important link in the body that does not work (Chicken of the Sea, the tuna company, announced this month that it will close its canning plant in American Samoa in September ). Due to the fact this story, written by Diana Furchtgott-Roth was an opinion I would have liked to have seen what the non-working link actually revealed.

I do believe comparing the situation on an Island in the middle of the South Pacific to the whole USA is unwise. American Samoa is nothing economically like the U.S. They only have one thing going for them and that is tuna. It has been suggested that they could have avoided the tuna layoffs if rather than laying off minimum wage workers, the companies should reduce salaries and bonuses of top-tier employees.
Why should anyone take a cut just to make the floor higher?

Doesn't that just hurt the people you take from and put the people who "receive" it on a new bottom level?

Wealth inequality does nothing for anyone, but altering the minimum wage doesn't fix that.

How about changing your education system so people can study in 3rd level institutions for free?

That would reduce the need for minimum wage jobs and give people the opportunity to improve themselves.

Again, you people all assume I'm a rightie, when I'm clearly a centrist, I don't believe in ideological solutions, only solutions.
Why should anyone take a cut just to make the floor higher?

Doesn't that just hurt the people you take from and put the people who "receive" it on a new bottom level?

Wealth inequality does nothing for anyone, but altering the minimum wage doesn't fix that.

How about changing your education system so people can study in 3rd level institutions for free?

That would reduce the need for minimum wage jobs and give people the opportunity to improve themselves.

Again, you people all assume I'm a rightie, when I'm clearly a centrist, I don't believe in ideological solutions, only solutions.
It sure beats closing the company down in which EVERYONE which was the case.
It sure beats closing the company down in which EVERYONE which was the case.
I'm sure your laundromat would be doing real well if your staff prices increased 100% in two years with no appreciable growth in business, right?

The only reasons they were in Samoa was (at the time) it's low wages and it's still an American territory, why hire less educated people when for the same price you can situate yourself in the mainland US with it's highly educated workforce?

I'm not saying businesses should scalp their employees, as I've said before in any job Ive worked I've valued my truly good employees because they're hard to come across and even more difficult to replace.

The majority are replaceable tards tho, should they be paid as much as the people who throw themselves 110% at their job, use initiative and common sense?