After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

What is the correct marijuana dose?


You are asking for proof that marijuana is harmful to children? So I can assume you feel it's OK to get children high?

The correct dose is that which doesn't poison you. For children that would be NONE.
You should be more worried about the obesity epidemic in your country. I can't believe how dumb Americans are.


Why can't I worry about both? Is that concept to hard for you to fathom? And you call be dumb? You so stupid you can only focus on one thing at a time?
Spreading these pro Russia memes is asinine. The Russian military is a conscript army of malcontents. No one should fear them.
Asinine is what this thread is, America is the fattest nation on earth, no one fear them either so what's the point?
Why can't I worry about both? Is that concept to hard for you to fathom? And you call be dumb? You so stupid you can only focus on one thing at a time?
Here's something else to focus on.
Where's the thread you started on the dangers of over eating?
You are asking for proof that marijuana is harmful to children? So I can assume you feel it's OK to get children high?

The correct dose is that which doesn't poison you. For children that would be NONE.

I'm asking you to stop thinking about cannabis in the alcohol/opiate/stimulant paradigm. There is no evidence that cannabis works or effects you in the same way as those drugs. I want you to admit you're just assuming that cannabis is bad for kids. You assume it because you think it's like alcohol/opiate/stimulants. The fact is we don't know and after all the out right lies we've been told for 80 years I'm not ready to assume ANYTHING.
I'm asking you to stop thinking about cannabis in the alcohol/opiate/stimulant paradigm. There is no evidence that cannabis works or effects you in the same way as those drugs. I want you to admit you're just assuming that cannabis is bad for kids. You assume it because you think it's like alcohol/opiate/stimulants. The fact is we don't know and after all the out right lies we've been told for 80 years I'm not ready to assume ANYTHING.

Tell me again what I think.
She's a D'ohmerican and on food stamps.
Post some more stupid comments about the devil weed and each time you do I'll show you a heifer

I bet you're stoned on the stupid weed right now. You're doing a wonderful job proving my point. Thank you. :)
You are asking for proof that marijuana is harmful to children? So I can assume you feel it's OK to get children high?

The correct dose is that which doesn't poison you. For children that would be NONE.
You must be rough when it comes to aspirin, then.
Or do you give children acetaminophen?
Wait a second...I got it. You have golden underwear, don't you.
"Any substance can be poisonous if too much is taken."

A poison is any substance that is harmful to your body. You might swallow it, inhale it, inject it, or absorb it through your skin. Any substance can be poisonous if too much is taken. Poisons can include

  • Prescription or over-the-counter medicines taken in doses that are too high
  • Overdoses of illegal drugs
  • Carbon monoxide from gas appliances
  • Household products, such as laundry powder or furniture polish
  • Pesticides
  • Indoor or outdoor plants
  • Metals such as lead and mercury
The effects of poisoning range from short-term illness to brain damage, coma, and death. To prevent poisoning it is important to use and store products exactly as their labels say. Keep dangerous products where children can't get to them. Treatment for poisoning depends on the type of poison. If you suspect someone has been poisoned, call your local poison control center right away.

Children should not be consuming marijuana. It is harmful to them.
Ok let me fill you in on some sciency shit even tho you're just a wannabe troll I'll still school you.

Every substance has a number attached, it's based on the amount that is half the amount required to kill a person.

Marijuana's number is so high, you literally could not have enough in your bloodstream at one time to kill you.

You'd have to smoke so much, you'd die of carbon monoxide poisoning long before you'd get even close.

There are "science-numbers" to verify all I've said, but you're too stupid to understand anyway so I just dumbed it down for you.
You must be rough when it comes to aspirin, then.
Or do you give children acetaminophen?
Wait a second...I got it. You have golden underwear, don't you.

They make over the counter medications for children. I try to consult my pediatrician before I give my children any type of drug. Then I always follow the recommended dosage. I do NOT get my children high.