Positive people required!!

Was going to play a game, but realized I deleted it. It was a free game offered from psn as a welcome back after the hack and I downloaded infamous as one of my games and I wanted to play it again and I couldn't find the download anywhere. I looked in my download and purchase lists and only found the demo. Then I decided what if I go and try and buy the game, so I go back to the playstation store, find the game and act like I'm gonna buy it and then a unicorn farted and a reward for 19.99 appeared in my account and allowed me to re download the game for free.

Now I'm having to wait for 7.5g of game data to download.
a unicorn farted? now there's a new one..lmao!!

it's Sunday night. Been super quiet on the ol RIU this weekend. I've had a busy weekend, funeral, family reunion, grocery shopping.. glad it's over but now back to work in the morn. Woot woot. NOT. :lol:
Total awesomeness!! I love that song even better now. :D
There goes the train...and now my computer equipment is buzzing and my cell phones are making clicking and humming noises. Wonder what's up with that..the ALIENS are coming!! Bwahahahahaaa totally J/K..:lol:
Goodnight everyone...:peace:

Generation strange...
I was born in the 80's
late twenties to early thirties..which may I ask? I've noticed the way folks are on RIU can seem way older than they are here lately..lol

makes me feel bad for y'alls generation...my daughter's gen at that. Funny I'm here but not her..she's super damn smart too. That's why :D

She's always getting onto me for talking to people on here. Says you can't really know anybody, you know the drill..lol
Hey @roseypeach I'm back! I got no good reason for having been away so long, so we'll just pretend it never happened, right?
It's 5:30am and I'm waiting for the kids to wake up and start looking out. I think something is wrong here...
so where you at now? huh?? naw just kidding bro, how you doin..needed to get my ass back over here. I wasn't so positive for a minute there, didn't want to bring anyone else down. Half the shit I wanted to post was not for this thread..
we'll just pretend that didn't happen either ;) lol
I'm here again!

I have knees made of pain and cold, and most of the bones in my feet feel the same.... Winter seems to have hit the uk, it's cold and wet and grim.

On the POSITIVE side, i just made over 2 grand in 2 weeks, legitimate money, and i have a dirty great hash cake my dad made to mitigate the pain.

All in all - happy Growan!
I'm here again!

I have knees made of pain and cold, and most of the bones in my feet feel the same.... Winter seems to have hit the uk, it's cold and wet and grim.

On the POSITIVE side, i just made over 2 grand in 2 weeks, legitimate money, and i have a dirty great hash cake my dad made to mitigate the pain.

All in all - happy Growan!
I feel you on the knee pain brother!! this cold has made all my aches and pains flare up. Ouch!

that's killer dough man, congrats!! Positively great!! :)
I feel you on the knee pain brother!! this cold has made all my aches and pains flare up. Ouch!

that's killer dough man, congrats!! Positively great!! :)
It's as good as it gets for me, but only lasts 3 weeks tops per year. I have a few stupid jobs that make insane money. If i can keep adding stupid jobs to the resume i can be increadibly wealthy and never bored.

Next year i might try and turn the £3 a kg i get for my chestnuts into a lot more by dressing like a victorian tramp and roasting them in a a city centre an a woodfire. I recon that's where the big bucks are.