What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I LOVE to play Worms Armageddon and Burnout 3 on the consoles with music on in the background whilst chatting with my mates and searching youtube for random/funny crap...

...if I'm by myself I just start thinking and through that start tripping and writing down loads of useless crap which may be useful for lyrics or band names...once I listened to music and went on a bad one with paranoia and everything

Don't like getting stoned during the day though...you gotta do stuff during the day, so sleeping after a stoner sesh is the best


Active Member
I like doing everything high, from working to sleeping.

But most particularly:
1. get other people high
2. Music - di.fm is crazy when stoned
3. Guitar hero or rock band - in the zone (And Halo3, that shit looks nice on an HDTV)
4. Conversation - always have crazy convos when everyone's blazed.
5. Walking around town
6. Adult Swim

I keep coming back and adding shit. Damn memory :P
i so feel you on this
i do everything high
i have to be at work at 7am mon-fri
i smoke a bowl on my bong at 630

good convos are fantastic
guitar hero is fun
and getting other people high is the bestest!

watch a bad ass movie fuck my girl go swimming n eat at the chinese buffet or kfc
love to watch movies
and my name is earl marathon
and fucking is definitely great while high


New Member
after i smoke my oh so lovely kush.......Selecta my younger bro hops on his turntables throws on hip hop beats and or drum and bass i grab the mic and let the words flow out my mouth this is number 1
number 2 is writing raps
number 3 having sex damn sex feels soo good while ur baked like a cake
number 4 having really deep conversations about life and shit
number 5 watching comedy central or family guy
number 6 feeding my stomach that has a bottomless pit
number 7 playing socom combined assault for ps 2 yea yea


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good time. gotta love music and tv

the other day, I fell asleep on the couch watching tv. I hear a knock at the door, I thought maybe it was my mom. I answer it and there stands po po. he asks me my name and I say "why".. raises no suspicion at all. for a second, it crossed my mind to say someone elses name, but he probably had my license plate pulled up on the computer in his car, with my photo id. wasn't sure if I should get ready to put my hands behind my back. as far as I know, I don't have any warrants, but I do have a few outstanding speeding tickets from a few months ago. anyway, he was looking for some 14 year old hispanic kid, and he said I obviously don't meed the description. 25 year old german guy. afterwards, I noticed I had chili dried on my shirt from falling asleep.. wow, I looked great. I enjoy talking to pigs when stoned. actually.. I would much rather talk to a real pig.

my favorite place to smoke is in a car. you get plenty of first and second hand smoke, so you get nicely baked. the bad thing is all the windows around you, and possibly driving.


Well-Known Member
I like to listen to my Step Dad speak blazing fast Spanish to his friend, Armando. Yeah, Family Guy and American Dad is the shit. They always have random quotes where a flashback always comes up.

I remember in the old days though when I would come home from High School and wait for my sister to get back from Middle School. She'd get home and we'd go on down to the basement and takes some Waterfall Bong hits. Damn, did we get high. I remember thinking I was riding Garydos the Pokemon like a roller coaster and I fell thinking I could walk up the wall. Good times... it's always better when you first start. I still love my Mary Jane though ;)


New Member
I just chill, I smoke with my homies an chill with my homies like everyday. Or I like to listen to music, watch movies, whatever really but mostly I just like to fuck stuff up lol, like huge fires are fun.


Well-Known Member
Poker and Porn , Porn and Poker .... all day long haha

Or walk my dogs and let them off to play chases with the ducks and geese

Round it off with some roll it up ... Or some of that real life stuff to i do that somtimes haha

i dunno wtf i be doing half the times ........ h4l;


Well-Known Member
Chill talk shit with friends!

Haven't went to the movies and rolled up in a while might have to do it again. thanks for refreshing my memory marc.


Well-Known Member
jerking my meat to denise austin, eating cheetos naked, collecting and organizing stamps, wearing a spock costume and watching star trek. quantum physics, knitting cat sweaters, kicking pigeons, yelling at my old mother with a megaphone, rollerskating in spandex, play with my hamsters while listening to rammstein. lounging in my tightey whiteys and opening the door to talk the mail woman. spray on tanning, dutch ovening myself and the dog. making boots for my dog. doing stuff bear grylls does, but only in my basement, like when he was in the desert and drank piss out of a hollow snake skin. making ships in a bottle, smoking rock and meth and making cat condo's. imagine i have friends and have imaginary keggers with ice tea. thats pretty much it for a typical day and getting high.