equality isn't fair


Well-Known Member
you have to give them consent in order for them to withhold a single penny you freeloading mooch.
You know how we can tell you've not much work experience?

You don't have a choice not to have your wages subjected to the withholding. Unless, and only if you've not met the threshold for taxable income in the previous year and don't expect to in this year.


Well-Known Member
You know how we can tell you've not much work experience?

You don't have a choice not to have your wages subjected to the withholding. Unless, and only if you've not met the threshold for taxable income in the previous year and don't expect to in this year.
of course you have a choice. they make you sign a withholding agreement.

simply don't sign it and they can't withhold.


Well-Known Member
of course you have a choice. they make you sign a withholding agreement.

simply don't sign it and they can't withhold.
Employers are required to withhold.

Of course they have to get your consent. But if you refuse, they'll retract their job offer.

Their is a great disparity in the in the power of the three entities involved. Government, employer, and you.

You have no power, employee has some, and the government has immense power.

Few people are irreplaceable enough to pull that stunt and you know it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You dont work or pay taxes.
Why you complaining?

There is no point. You've seen how the threads in this section go, does anyone here ever admit when they're wrong? Why would you think national politics would be any different? The only way to get anything done is by force. The republican party has become ultra obstructionist.

No. Ordinary citizens don't make the policy, they simply live under it.

Can you identify any form of government that is not based in coercion?

Are you saying all taxes are "theft"? I don't want to fund American imperialism yet 30% of my taxes pay for it. This is the cost of living in our society
I'm saying anytime a person or persons take something without the owners consent it is theft.

Your statement, "I don't want to fund American imperialism etc" is very telling. How do you feel about funding the war on drugs? My point is, if the cost to live in a society is blind obedience to bad laws, isn't it time to recognize that any society based in that is fundamentally flawed ? Attempts to polish a turd will not yield a shiny heirloom.

The form of government that isn't based in coercion is self government, or an absence of a central monopolistic authority.
That's the form that will happen after all the turd polish runs out.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you have to give them consent in order for them to withhold a single penny you freeloading mooch.
That's an asinine statement. If in order to be employed a person must submit to a third party edict or be punished the "consent" is given under duress. Did you consent to the laws prohibiting pot ? No you didn't. Did you consent to your money paying to kill people overseas you've never met?

When the bully stole your twinkies and your milk money while giving you a wedgie did you consent to that?

The problem you have is you are very well indoctrinated....good slave... here's a hamhock.


Well-Known Member
That's an asinine statement. If in order to be employed a person must submit to a third party edict or be punished the "consent" is given under duress. Did you consent to the laws prohibiting pot ? No you didn't. Did you consent to your money paying to kill people overseas you've never met?

When the bully stole your twinkies and your milk money while giving you a wedgie did you consent to that?

The problem you have is you are very well indoctrinated....good slave... here's a hamhock.
what do you do for a living?


Well-Known Member
thanks for agreeing with me, but i may have to review my position now since that is not a good thing coming from you.

maybe you don't, but your mommy and daddy can always bail you out next time you go on a heroin spree and get you a new job at subway.
It's consent in form over substance.

It's not as if it's fine whatever you choose.

You have to agree to it as a condition of employment.

If you don't, you don't get the job.

Is that truly consent?


Well-Known Member
That's an asinine statement. If in order to be employed a person must submit to a third party edict or be punished the "consent" is given under duress. Did you consent to the laws prohibiting pot ? No you didn't. Did you consent to your money paying to kill people overseas you've never met?

When the bully stole your twinkies and your milk money while giving you a wedgie did you consent to that?

The problem you have is you are very well indoctrinated....good slave... here's a hamhock.
if they don't want to be employed they can just barter cabbage. or get some welfare.

quit your fucking crying.


Well-Known Member
of course you have a choice. they make you sign a withholding agreement.

simply don't sign it and they can't withhold.
true that..though they can assign you the highest withholding for not signing S-0.

you're better off signing it for M-9 (no higher or you will be flagged by the IRS)..that high..with assumable wages and there will be 0 FWT.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if they don't want to be employed they can just barter cabbage. or get some welfare.

quit your fucking crying.

If a person wants to be employed all they need to do is self employ and find people that want their product(s) / service or find a person that will hire them on an a voluntarily agreed basis.

All the rest of the shit nanny staters like you believe in, has to do with control and parasitism and nothing to do with real gainful employment.

Welfare is a fraud. All government workers are in a sense "on welfare" as they are dependent not on a real customer, rather a captive.

Now go clean the floor and I'll give you a cabbage.


Well-Known Member
When I get home ill snap a pic of the pile of money in my safe, princess.
You said you were employed, that means you have an employer, pay taxes, pay SS and have signed a W-4 there Pinnochio.

By all means though, send us a pic of the piles of money in your safe.


Well-Known Member
You said you were employed, that means you have an employer, pay taxes, pay SS and have signed a W-4 there Pinnochio.

By all means though, send us a pic of the piles of money in your safe.
Buckroast says all kinds of great stuff about himself, like anyone believes him.:lol: