The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What I did find when using the triacontanol though which I find really strange is when wet it was an oz heavier so yeilded an oz more but when dryed it was only 6g heavier???? That had my mind goin for hours how the fuk does that work?????


Well-Known Member
Ye I questioned its uses with cannabis at harvest 6g is just splittin hairs that could have been down to many factors. The triaboost stuff though that was 15g per plant difference but that has ga3 in it also which was the reason I went with the triacontanol originally cuz I heard that ga3 causes hermies. But I jus thought fuk it they wouldn't make it if its that bad and aint had any hermies so I'm thinkin that you need a large amount of it to cause problems. That one is defo the best of all boosts I have tried in the last 18months I also used the same strain throughout dinafem og kush clones of same mother in canna coco pro plus. I found canna boost to leave a slight rabbit food smell to buds. Dutch pro explode is good so long as you use dutch pro base nutes otherwise its crap. Organics is defo either plant magic or bio bizz. Canna bio range is ok but not as good as the other 2. Yeild wise in coco or hydro I would say the triaboost out performs canna or dutch pro, dutch pro and triaboost don't leave a smell regardless of base nutes I tried it with canna base nutes and then with dutch pro. but in soil I would only use plant magic or bio bizz.
Mate ive used plant magic the full range b4 and I would honestly say its shit compared to biobizz, I ended up giving my pm nutes away aft 2 grows, biobizz isa thicker formula and u use less per feed so it also lasts longer only plant magic I use now is the magnecal and pk 13/14


Well-Known Member
Mate ive used plant magic the full range b4 and I would honestly say its shit compared to biobizz, I ended up giving my pm nutes away aft 2 grows, biobizz isa thicker formula and u use less per feed so it also lasts longer only plant magic I use now is the magnecal and pk 13/14
Yep I'm jus saying them 2 are better than the other organics iv tried both make it taste and smell lovely crap yeild though. Your right about bio bizz though it messes with your ph meters too cuz its so thick its a fuka to get right ph constant fluctuation.


Well-Known Member
best I found for flav and yield is the supercoco mix, no nutes in veg and only base nutes in flower, takes 20 mins to make 250 l, the oxy to the roots is bttr than soil based mix and flavs are v clean


Well-Known Member
What a soiless mix?? Never bothered to try that. Iv had best results from coco sometimes I throw in perlite but that don't really make any difference if I'm honest in coco anyway soil I would never do a grow without perlite. Coco though iv found for flavour and yeild its all dependant on the nutes u use and right ph is also a must in coco. 5.5-5.8 dependant on strain.


Well-Known Member
What a soiless mix?? Never bothered to try that. Iv had best results from coco sometimes I throw in perlite but that don't really make any difference if I'm honest in coco anyway soil I would never do a grow without perlite. Coco though iv found for flavour and yeild its all dependant on the nutes u use and right ph is also a must in coco. 5.5-5.8 dependant on strain.
I put a whole load of shit in the coco with some perlite and can grow out a few strains on water only but most need supplementing in flower with either compost tea or mineral nute s depending on how lazy u feel, ive done with 2 years of making it fuk in stuff and cany be fuked anymore cos its 2 x the work, anyways the veg plants grow superhealthy with an iridescent green shine to em

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Also very interesting is..........

"Sheep wool

Wool from shearing sheep is a little-used yet promising renewable growing medium. In a study comparing wool with peat slabs, coconut fibre slabs, perlite and rockwool slabs to grow cucumber plants, sheep wool had a greater air capacity of 70%, which decreased with use to a comparable 43%, and water capacity that increased from 23% to 44% with use. Using sheep wool resulted in the greatest yield out of the tested substrates, while application of a biostimulator consisting of humic acid, lactic acid and Bacillus subtilis improved yields in all substrates."


Well-Known Member
An old friend of mine used to use all the trim and shit from his plants turn it into compost and mix this with coco and perlite he didn't have to start feeding until 3 weeks into flower. His bud always tasted the best too.


Well-Known Member
Also very interesting is..........

"Sheep wool

Wool from shearing sheep is a little-used yet promising renewable growing medium. In a study comparing wool with peat slabs, coconut fibre slabs, perlite and rockwool slabs to grow cucumber plants, sheep wool had a greater air capacity of 70%, which decreased with use to a comparable 43%, and water capacity that increased from 23% to 44% with use. Using sheep wool resulted in the greatest yield out of the tested substrates, while application of a biostimulator consisting of humic acid, lactic acid and Bacillus subtilis improved yields in all substrates."
i just noticed your user name the yorkshireman......what do you know about yorkshire ?

im from the west


Well-Known Member
I recycle my coco too, have done for about 2 years now.
Yeah iv been thinkin about doin this for a while now but I really can't be arsed to change my set up. If I was to grow like this I would only use air pots cuz I hear there is higher risk of gettin root rot, pythium and all dat and I hate usin oxy cuz the thought of peroxide on my roots makes me cringe.