What Kind of Seaweed Extract/Kelp Do You Use?


Well-Known Member
Just curious about what kind you have used, what you use currently, and why.

I use Grow More Seaweed Extract and like the results, it has beautiful organic smell to it.
I'm almost out and will need to buy more soon and was wondering about other possible options to see if the flavor profile changed at all with different kinds or how much results can vary.

Have you found that different 'brands' have slightly different taste in the final product?


Thanks in advance!!!
I've used Progress Earth Kelp and like the results. Earth Kelp is a triple concentrated Kelp blend comprised of TWO sources of premium kelp - Ascophyllum nodosum and Ecklonia maxima - that are blended to THREE times the concentration of other liquid kelps.

Thank you for that information. I will have to try it to see how I like it, $100 a gallon seems a little inflated though. Never heard of it until now. Thanks!
I've used Age Old kelp for years. It's great used in my soil and I use it as a foliar at the slightest hint of deficiencies. A half hour after a foliaring the plants leaves are pointing up in a V shape... They love it. The price is reasonable as well.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
I used to use metanaturals.. but nobody carries them anymore..

Lately Ive been using RAW Kelp, that little packet will make like 200 gallons.. Working pretty good I must say..
rhizotonic from canna, it is expensive and extremely smelly but cannabis plants love it.


i use on cuttings, transplants and sometimes if i have to raise the ph i will add a bit to the feed, even in late bloom the plants will still benefit from applications of this stuff.
I have used lots of different kelp extracts..the one that worked the best was Neptune Seaweed liquid...not over priced and works great...and their fish an seaweed fert is great also..its used to grow world record pumkins....I use it to germ seeds..clones...foliar spray ...teas..(also the kelp meal)....some of the OG's that are fert sensitive love the fish an seaweed fert...never burns and they eat it up...see a difference in a few days...it just works
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I use Alaska by Pennington. Its NPK is 0.13-0-0.60 I have used it for years as it is cheap ($10 for 32Oz.) and available at local hardware stores. It is full of micro nutes and it seems to make my plants very happy. I kind of think a lot of these products cost way too much. I mean sea weed is available everywhere. I think $10 is about all I am willing to spend on a kelp product.
I use Alaska by Pennington. Its NPK is 0.13-0-0.60 I have used it for years as it is cheap ($10 for 32Oz.) and available at local hardware stores. It is full of micro nutes and it seems to make my plants very happy. I kind of think a lot of these products cost way too much. I mean sea weed is available everywhere. I think $10 is about all I am willing to spend on a kelp product.

Wierd stuff, I thought it was locally produced.. the company is based in georgia.

Ive always wondered about going beachcombing for seaweed, i'm not sure about what kind to pick up or how to process it to get rid of salt and pathogens. I wouldn't say its everywhere either. I'm close to the ocean and there's not much on the beach here.. I know a few beaches further south where I can get some weed ;).

What I dont understand is how you make a concentrate of seaweed.. I would have guessed a solid powdered form would be the most concentrated.
I do too, like it and its a great price. Think I get it for $30 a gallon.
Looking to try a different kind to see how and what changes in aroma, flavor, and growth.

Please post the results if you do try a different kind.
A side by side comparison would be cool if possible.

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