Do your friends know you're growing?


New Member
One of my friends knows because I salvaged my bagseed so I didn't even know what to expect when germinating but now that it's growing I haven't said anything and am playing on just playing it off like the seed never sprouted. Do you guys tell your friends? Or is there anyone who posts updates pics of their plant on facebook?

What are your experiences or tips in concealing for those of you who have been growing for a while now?
If it's not legal there, then it's like fight club with no meetings.

I have my squad. It's me and two other bros. But it's different I think. We have known each-other since Elementary school. I never had any issues for the year I've been growing constantly.

But my other bros grow as well so i think it's different.
(not legal)
The only friends that know I grow are the one or two that also grow. We all help each other. Other than that, letting friends know you grow usually leads to problems- believe me.

Same here. The few people that do know also are growing something (Shrooms and/or Cannabis)
This way we can help each other out and share clones, ideas, and equipment if we need too.

If anyone asks "He don't come down the mountain often, but when he does I'll grab some for ya ;-)"
I secure my grow as if there's a neon sign out front that reads "MMJ Grown Here!".

That being said, I just started in September, the ones who know are my grower friend who I obtained my original clones from, my buddy who threw down on initial expenses because I'll be supplying him with meds at cost regardless and.......... My nosey ass neighbor who smokes and could see materials and equipment entering the garage. So I have to assume he has ran his mouth to everyone, whether he has or not.

Exterior door and security screen door(with tabs welded and 2 padlocks on top of the existing door hardware. Cage welded over wall ac. Motion light wired to motor driven siren plus wireless home security system, phone alert no monitoring. Camera's and DVRs coming soon.

Even if you don't tell a soul you have to secure your spot if it's if value to you. Maybe some cholo or gangster or who the fuck ever lives down the street from you, sees you walking out of the hydro store product in hand, that is enough to spark suspicion. You may not have seen him see you walk out either.

Point being, secure your shit like there is a public service announcement broadcasting your grow location daily.
Another big mistake can be letting your friends help you trim. I'll always use professional trimmers over friends.
Do you guys tell your friends? Or is there anyone who posts updates pics of their plant on facebook?What are your experiences or tips in concealing for those of you who have been growing for a while now?

Just keep quiet... Unless you like rippers or people with guns showing up at your front door.