Smoking 5 year old Bud.


Well-Known Member
Found it in a ceda chest earlier and had nohing better to do. I can feel it already...didnt think it would work. weird...anyone else smoke old weed and it worked?


Well-Known Member
the oldest bud i ever smoked was 2 years old my boy got busted by his uncle who confiscated everything and we didnt see it ever again, well 2 years later his uncle died (rip) and we were at his house cleaning out his shit when he opened up a drawer in his uncles desk and there under a bunch of law books was a big zip loc baggy along with the quarter of weed his uncle took two years ago and the bowl that he took aswell

we rolled a big blunt and have to say i wasnt impressed... kinda just gave me a little buzz and made me sleepy, but if i remember the bus werent all that great origianlly


Active Member
Found it in a ceda chest earlier and had nohing better to do. I can feel it already...didnt think it would work. weird...anyone else smoke old weed and it worked?
yah man ive smoked 2 year old weed and what we did was put a half cup of cinnamon in it and put it in the microwave for 2 minuts with nthe bad closed it mousterized it and strengthens it i swear to god


Active Member
well now trhat i come to think about it the weed took me and a friend of mine about 4 hours to actually get stoned we smokd a total of about fairly phat joints and lik 20 bowls


Active Member
any one that grows im a newbie that has been growing for about 1 week now i have a 2 inch sprout my other smaller one just died like 30 minuts ago frm pepermint extract i need o know something
if any one can help reply


Well-Known Member
any one that grows im a newbie that has been growing for about 1 week now i have a 2 inch sprout my other smaller one just died like 30 minuts ago frm pepermint extract i need o know something
if any one can help reply
stop jackin threads...but whatchu need? Pm me and I'll see if I can help.


Active Member
oh yah sorry haha damn thats crazy i live in qeen creek az and u live in phoenixany ways i have a 2 in plant and had a tiny 1 inch one with only 2 leeves the other has 4 leeves th smallest one got pepermint extrct on it and almost suddenly it died is that going to happen to my other one even tho i didnt spill it on the leeves??


Well-Known Member
oh yah sorry haha damn thats crazy i live in qeen creek az and u live in phoenixany ways i have a 2 in plant and had a tiny 1 inch one with only 2 leeves the other has 4 leeves th smallest one got pepermint extrct on it and almost suddenly it died is that going to happen to my other one even tho i didnt spill it on the leeves??
if they survive put them outside. if not start some new ones and put them in the woods or something. if your under 18 dont risk an inside grow. good luck :mrgreen::joint:


Active Member
first of all my mom grows 2 and second of all she smokes 2 3 of all i dont hve a fucking dad but forget all that shit

on this site it said if i mix a little pepermint extract with water and wter my plants then they will be flvored i got 1 drop on one iof my plants and it died the biggest one is stillhealthhy and shit im growing by my window sill in my room my house is gated and fenced no one can see by my window is that alright>


Well-Known Member
first of all my mom grows 2 and second of all she smokes 2 3 of all i dont hve a fucking dad but forget all that shit

on this site it said if i mix a little pepermint extract with water and wter my plants then they will be flvored i got 1 drop on one iof my plants and it died the biggest one is stillhealthhy and shit im growing by my window sill in my room my house is gated and fenced no one can see by my window is that alright>
"therefore all you cliques and you clans and you crew fuckin' fuckin' wit this clique and we gon bring it to yo ass!"

edit:I got a strong feeling of "fuck it" just now sooo yeah fuck it man I'm not helping right now nothing personal:)
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Active Member
well i cant put the out side i live in a neighbor hood with back yards all around me i want it insid im risking going to jailfor something i beleive in i just got out for posesion of marijuana and im currently on probation i get of nov 5 but forget all that ashit for get every thing every one act like im just an ordiary 28 year old that has a plant i need fuck!!

i just cheked on my plant its in my top closet so its really dark then in the morning ill put it back by my window sill my plant looks really healthy still and i think its going to be fine how many times should i water it ?? daily ???


Active Member
therefore all you cliques and you clans and you crew fuckin' fuckin' wit this clique and we gon bring it to yo ass!

edit:I got a strong feeling of "fuck it" just now sooo yeah fuck it man I'm not helping right now nothing personal:)
dude i didnt even understand what ur saying i dont care if u dont want to help ill find someone else some body plees help tho