Soil Is really acidic need help



Tested my run off couple times and its at a ph of 4. way to acidic.

Link above is the soil I'm using. Soil has lime in it, with a decent amount of slow release fertilizer. I've used this same soil before with no problems but I never tested my run off before. MY plant is a month old and has been showing signs of acidic soil since week 2. My friend is also growing in the same stuff experiencing the same problems. He as well used the dirt in the summer indoors with 0 problems Really curious why the lime in the soil is not taking effect like it did in the summer and what i can do without tossing my plant out. hes been in 4gals of this soil for awhile now.

I water with tap water ph of 7, let to sit out for the night. only water when its dry. plain water no nutrients.
I just purchased this product online to hopefully help. But I believe its just a temporary fix nothing that will work for good?

Anybody with any advice and suggestions on PH for me to fix my soil? Please and thank you
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Tested my run off couple times and its at a ph of 4. way to acidic.

Link above is the soil I'm using. Soil has lime in it, with a decent amount of slow release fertilizer. I've used this same soil before with no problems but I never tested my run off before. MY plant is a month old and has been showing signs of acidic soil since week 2. My friend is also growing in the same stuff experiencing the same problems. He as well used the dirt in the summer indoors with 0 problems Really curious why the lime in the soil is not taking effect like it did in the summer and what i can do without tossing my plant out. hes been in 4gals of this soil for awhile now.

I water with tap water ph of 7, let to sit out for the night. only water when its dry. plain water no nutrients.
I just purchased this product online to hopefully help. But I believe its just a temporary fix nothing that will work for good?

Anybody with any advice and suggestions on PH for me to fix my soil? Please and thank you
do you have any pics.
showing signs of acidic soil since week 2? i gotta see this lol I never do test the runoff when growing in soil. some people do.i just dont see where it would help. I know half of you are going to scream about that. i dont care about what comes out just what i put in.

Tested my run off couple times and its at a ph of 4. way to acidic.

Link above is the soil I'm using. Soil has lime in it, with a decent amount of slow release fertilizer. I've used this same soil before with no problems but I never tested my run off before. MY plant is a month old and has been showing signs of acidic soil since week 2. My friend is also growing in the same stuff experiencing the same problems. He as well used the dirt in the summer indoors with 0 problems Really curious why the lime in the soil is not taking effect like it did in the summer and what i can do without tossing my plant out. hes been in 4gals of this soil for awhile now.

I water with tap water ph of 7, let to sit out for the night. only water when its dry. plain water no nutrients.
I just purchased this product online to hopefully help. But I believe its just a temporary fix nothing that will work for good?

Anybody with any advice and suggestions on PH for me to fix my soil? Please and thank you
u dont need 2 threads mate one will do
do you have any pics.
showing signs of acidic soil since week 2? i gotta see this lol I never do test the runoff when growing in soil. some people do.i just dont see where it would help. I know half of you are going to scream about that. i dont care about what comes out just what i put in.
ph dose not really matter at all in soil i have done one grow not ph'ing and 1 doing ph not real diff to be honest alot of people say naa no way but deep down the following the rules and rules are ment to be broken ph dose really fuck all u will lose a little yeild im talking grams lol but u ur doing more then one that is not gunna hurt
no jsut new to forums not sure how they work. maybe some people stay in one section who knows. lol . how do i delete this thread?
yea my bad. i can see it is a big mistake haha. is there really no way to delete this one?
I do like to get answers to my questions fast and you guys are amazing for that. But I am defiantly not impatient with my plant. All I do is control temperature and water and wait for next watering. Make sure that new growth does't pop through the net too much.
Honestly id say you are leaning towards that nutes in the soil. probably too much for a 2wk old plant.

I had same issue using miracle gro potting soil with slow release nutes. high ass ppm and ph run offs. the watering would activate the release nutes and to much water was causing to much over feeding. Id run a good flush thru then and then continue with just regular water until its leveled out at no signs of damage to the plant. youll want to get a soil ph meter too. testing run off doesnt necessarily mean the soil is at that same ph.
I agree, if ur being careful & logical when growing in soil then there should be no need to measure pH. It starts off & stays stable & predictable for longer in soil, so no need for measuring pH unless ur blindly overdoing everything & tanking the soil.

Maybe if u were doing big, man-size bushes or keeping mother plants alive for long time, then I guess u might pH to check u hitting right levels still, but for most regular homegrowz lasting 3 months then just using ur brain & eyes should keep it fine. Far easier than hydro I'm sure!

And to OP's credit, it was a refreshing shock to read the words "plain water no nutrients" - gotta say I well expected that sentence to end instead with a list of all the names of the miraculous mega poundage seedling boosters the plant was being given!! Lol! So fair play, ur watering methods sounded fine to me.
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yea my bad. i can see it is a big mistake haha. is there really no way to delete this one?

Don't worry about it. I've been on/belong to hundreds of online mailing lists/forums over the years due to my job role, so I was just trying to instill a bit of 'netiquette' before you get labelled as a "mainliner". I don't want you to suffer that experience as I can see you're legitimately learning here.

Keep up the good work. Review all the forums (and sub-forums), and you'll slowly learn where to post what. You're doing fine.

And with regards actual problem, i never suffered that so cant give u definitive answer, only my guesstimation, tho I think u likely eliminated water as source of problem.

Having same soil work well for 2 people last year & now fail for 2 people this year is enough to tell me it probably fcuked & likely worth binning, as continuing may just be more time waster for no return.

As to why, I'm not sure how composition of lime/other elements change due to time, any heat, moisture, etc, tho maybe google it. Certainly hot temps in storage wouldn't help. Or possibly could be any organic material, decomposition,etc. Or possible contaminant got into it? Like i say I never suffered so never googled it myself!

If it was me, I too would just trying lowering pH in regular way as ur doing and see if it levels out. If that still don't work then, depending on how big ur plant is at 1 month old (??), u could always buy new bag of soil & try transplant to new pot of new soil.

My wing-it option would be that i try lightly half-shaking away whats possible of old soil from amongst exterior roots after taking out of old pot, and when in new pot give it good flush of water to leach mix abit of the acidity from in/around old root zone into new soil underneath, and to help transplant set in. Certainly, as long as ur acidity spike weren't due to a particularly potent contaminant, I would hope to see it level out acceptably enough & plant recover within 1 week. If not, well then ur probably only binning it anyway!

Hope the pH levelling products do it tho, as is easiest, less piss-around solution!
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And with regards actual problem, i never suffered that so cant give u definitive answer, only my guesstimation, tho I think u likely eliminated water as source of problem.

Having same soil work well for 2 people last year & now fail for 2 people this year is enough to tell me it probably fcuked & likely worth binning, as continuing may just be more time waster for no return.

As to why, I not sure if composition of lime would change that much that quick, tho maybe google it, or possibly could be any organic material, decomposition, etc and/or maybe if wherever u stored it hit hot temperatures then that could effect it too. Or possible contaminant got into it? Like i say I never suffered so never googled it myself!

If it was me, I too would just trying lowering pH in regular way as ur doing and see if it levels out. If that still don't work then, depending on how big ur plant is at 1 month old, u could always buy new bag of soil & transplant to new pot of new soil.

My wing-it option would be that i try lightly half-shaking away whats possible of old soil from amongst exterior roots and then give it good flush of water to leach mix abit of the acidity from in around old root zone into new soil underneath, and to help transplant set in. Certainly, as long as ur acidity spike weren't due to a particularly potent contaminant, I would expect to see it level out acceptably enough & plant recover within 1 week. If not, well then ur probably only binning it anyway!

Hope the pH levelling products do it tho, as easiest solution!
Thanks a lot. Love all the tips and suggestions. Won't toss it till the thing is completely dead. I'm growing for experience and something to do, being able to smoke some good weed after is just a huge bonus.