one day old tacos in truck, bueno or no bueno?


Well-Known Member
As stated above, left in truck for 24 hours got about a dozen and big ass tub of hot sauce.... looks good and smells good temps were highest 68 ish
As stated above, left in truck for 24 hours got about a dozen and big ass tub of hot sauce.... looks good and smells good temps were highest 68 ish


Taco bell puts preservatives in there meat im sure

Still sould be good

No are u kidding, those cld mess u up man. go out and restock bud. ur kidding right?
These are real deal tacos like, not taco bell BS. Real mexican tacos just half corn and half flour, just fajita beef, cilantro and onions.. I worked with Mexicans for years, I have seen them eat two day old tacos left in a truck in the middle of the summer.... But I decided on two day old, hamburger helper left uncovered in the fridge...Not sure if thats much better.... I just got home, been gone for two days...
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Lol is it shittier than mcdonalds? I remember when i used to eat mcdonalds it didnt make you feel full, was pretty weird.
No autentico. Its a very successful chain, but not many people will admit to eating there. Its basically a crap morphing of white bread American ideation of Mexican food. In California there is no excuse as there are untold thousands of real Mexican places
These are real deal tacos like, not taco bell BS. Real mexican tacos just half corn and half flour, just fajita beef, cilantro and onions.. I worked with Mexicans for years, I have seen them eat two day old tacos left in a truck in the middle of the summer.... But I decided on two day old, hamburger helper lefy on covered in the fridge...Not sure if thats much better.... I just got home been gone for two days...
I would test before I tossed 'em. Real Mexican tacos are gold lol