UVB Lighting - Replicate UV Index of 12?


Well-Known Member
We all know THC content increases in response to damaging UVB light. (Weed sunscreen)

Now there are three types of UVB light available.
1. Reptile Lights
2. Tanning Bulbs
3. Phototherapy Bulbs

Tanning bulbs are my personal choice (Wolff 9.9 UVB), however I believe more detailed specs will be available for the phototherapy bulbs.

So we alll should be adding in UVB if our goal is THC, the question is how much? In my case I want enough to replicate a UV index of 12. I choose this because it is about the strongest natural occuring and survivable UVB level. Then I can adjust exposure timing to optimize, but know I'm not blasting them with something double or tripple that of anything naturally occuring and potentially lethal or significantly damaging to the plants.

I for the life of me can't find an equation to calculate this, any professional lighting scientists/engineers or just another ametuer genious out there that can help?
Well I feel I should say THC won't increase with respect to other cannabinoids ....
And uv is but a small role. You can definitely use it in conjunction with like high pk levels and other things though...

so inside the trichomes
Geranyl pyrophosphate and a precursor to olivetolic acid react, a c12 (for pentyl) c10(for propyl)polyketide, catalyzed by an enzyme to produce cannabigerolic acid,. The production of Thc (and propyl)thcv cbd cbdv and cbc cbcv are controlled by 3 different enzymes Thca synthase being the enzyme converting cbga to thc through an oxidative cyclization of the geranyl group on cbga(of course this is a bit simplified for y'all) geranyl diphosphate + olivetolate =cannabigerolate + diphosphate.. cannabigerolate + O(2) = Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinolate + H(2)O(2)

uvr8 is a photoreceptor activated by uv-b and in response will increase production of a precursor to olivetolic acid. an increase in resin content relies on much more than one portion of a precursor
Those are UVA from what I am finding, not UVB, great for the plant to gather energy, but worthless for stressing it to produce more THC.
Well I feel I should say THC won't increase with respect to other cannabinoids ....
And uv is but a small role. You can definitely use it in conjunction with like high pk levels and other things though...

so inside the trichomes
Geranyl pyrophosphate and a precursor to olivetolic acid react, a c12 (for pentyl) c10(for propyl)polyketide, catalyzed by an enzyme to produce cannabigerolic acid,. The production of Thc (and propyl)thcv cbd cbdv and cbc cbcv are controlled by 3 different enzymes Thca synthase being the enzyme converting cbga to thc through an oxidative cyclization of the geranyl group on cbga(of course this is a bit simplified for y'all) geranyl diphosphate + olivetolate =cannabigerolate + diphosphate.. cannabigerolate + O(2) = Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinolate + H(2)O(2)

uvr8 is a photoreceptor activated by uv-b and in response will increase production of a precursor to olivetolic acid. an increase in resin content relies on much more than one portion of a precursor
you must not of seen my ICMAG link ?
This thread is not a debate about if UVB will or will not increase THC production. This is a thread about quantifying UVB light and simulating the levels found in nature. With that said UVB will not help if you have other bottelnecks, however if you have your nutrients, lights, and other factors near perfect but are lacking UVB, you will see, taste, and feel the difference once you add it. I'm looking to get it right as my first tests were using only a single 10% reptile bulb, and the benifits were obvious.
I didn't mean to debate..
I just wanted to point out that resin as a total is increased not just THC..how you made it seem in your post
This thread is not a debate about if UVB will or will not increase THC production. This is a thread about quantifying UVB light and simulating the levels found in nature. With that said UVB will not help if you have other bottelnecks, however if you have your nutrients, lights, and other factors near perfect but are lacking UVB, you will see, taste, and feel the difference once you add it. I'm looking to get it right as my first tests were using only a single 10% reptile bulb, and the benifits were obvious.
Been there, why I'm postin here

read this :)
you can buy a reptile uv 7.0 meter
then you can do some math regarding your lights
i'm not a pro anything, just a bored hippy who likes to get involved. those links might give you a starting point. if i wanted to get into uv lamps thats what i would do. buy a meter and a 100w reptile lamp and take a reading
The reptile lamps suck balls !!! did the test I only recommend 2 bulbs read the link I shared all of it :)
The reptile lamps suck balls !!! did the test I only recommend 2 bulbs read the link I shared all of it :)
i know but it's like 10 pages and i couldn't find a way to search for the specific uv posts...so open googled.no offense. i won't pass up the years of exp. i'll read it. give us a xmas present early and post a summation here?

p.s.brown bushin...lol
i know but it's like 10 pages and i couldn't find a way to search for the specific uv posts...so open googled.no offense. i won't pass up the years of exp. i'll read it. give us a xmas present early and post a summation here?

p.s.brown bushin...lol
Brown Bushin is the bomb :)
a bit ,,,,,

Been a long road and it all happened by accident with the help of my friend Max (Illumination). At the time we were both using CMH bulbs, they were said to have UV in the spectrum.

Max started looking at UV supplementation and bought a meter that measured UV and then started testing bulbs (all this documented at my site) Turns out that yes our CMH bulbs had a tad of UV but it was not enough to be really useful. He also discovered that the reptile bulbs had to be real close to emit anything effective. When Phillips discontinued the CMH bulbs it was this info that helped me decide to go T5 in flower (glad I did). The 2 bulbs that tested good for our needs and by that, Max was all about duplicating the UV that was available near the equator, were the Arcadia and the ATI True Actinic. It was me that later added the ATI Coral Plus (based on deep blue growing more trics, it does !!!) which dip into the UV range so the 2 ATI bulbs connect and widen the spectrum. Bottom line is you must supplement UV to get the early amber and based on Max's test I only recommend the 2 bulbs I just mentioned, note the Arcadias cost more
and Max used em, so have seen the results using these bulbs !
awesome...but we're still looking for some quantifying to reach his 12.0 uvi...and i guess duration too.so how many watts per sq.m. to reach a 12.0 uvi
Tanning Bulbs

This is what I was planning on using, may have to get a meter. The math comes up with 300mw/m2 of UVB+UVA = UV index of 12. That is an absurdly low number. Confuses me because that would put the UV index of a tanning bed (24 or more of 100w 9.9% UVB) at something astronomical, especially since they are either touching you or a few inches from you.

According to wiki, 25mw/m2 = uv index of 1 and it's a linear scale.
well you're only allowed in them for 20mins max on avg. so yeah this is a matter of a little bit goes a long way
so how many do you have of the ATI? wattage and length...and that should give us a ballpark 18/6 veg UVI. you might want a 12.0 nomo but he's done the work for us. you really want something like a 3uvi over the entire photoperiod (total guess example).
RM3, how did you measure the output? How many watts of the ATI True Actinic per square foot or meter are you running?