Club 600


Well-Known Member
I have thoroughly confused my wife now with everyone's names. Everyone that was over, except for one guy, has two names. Everyone's got a screen name and a real name and I was mixing the two in conversation, unknowingly, until she stopped me and asked who I was talking about, lol.


Well-Known Member
I have thoroughly confused my wife now with everyone's names. Everyone that was over, except for one guy, has two names. Everyone's got a screen name and a real name and I was mixing the two in conversation, unknowingly, until she stopped me and asked who I was talking about, lol.
I do the samething with my wife and she's like wait what who is that...


Well-Known Member
Had a surprise visit from my best friend from high School just now. He called saying he was in the area and wanted to cruise by. I hooked him up with a 1/4oz for his wife while he was here and he was pretty excited about it.

It's nice to see when people appreciate stuff. Kind of made my day.


Well-Known Member
Hey doobs, I can see the video much better on my laptop! Freakin sweet, it was hard to see on my phone though and i'm like always on my phone since it's easier to use lol. I'm diggin the cam mount though for sure

Hope the new meds help ya hydro, that sucks. I've heard about a lot of people getting sick after surgery, surgery messes hard core with you're immune system because it's using a lot of energy to fix the wound.

Lmao @ nyc, someone's gotta show the thimble love brotha lol, your plants are growing up nicely btw man, lookin mean and green

Genuity- if you're gonna replace the whole water heater i think you'd be able to to it pretty easily man. Just watch a youtube video, it's not hard to replace the whole thing really, might need a friend to help move it is all. There's just a cold water in and hot water out line i think, I did one a long time ago and it wasn't too bad of a job really. Might save ya some money and worst comes to worst if you can't figure it out then call someone to replace it. Just take pictures of how everything is connected on the old one before you take it apart, then put the new one back together the same way

Nice video ghb, lookin dank in there!


Well-Known Member
@jimmer6577 such a beautiful canopy! The perfect training session really shines on those babies

Glad yall had a blast at the get together! Sounds like everyone got such awesome goodies, i'm jelly :( Maybe next one I can tag along :)

Sorry to hear about your woman giggs :( Damn it, one of these days it will stop raining and the sun will shine for you

Here's a lil vid of my garden, I freakin love my purple paralysis, but the name scares people for some reason, so I may call it cotton candy since it has the same genetics lol

Really nice


Well-Known Member
@AlphaPhase you and me both I don't have any yins as of yet but my girl has 10years on me so my time is running out to plant my seed...with her anyway but I'm super open to adopting a child i think those huldren would love to have someone care and love them like a real parent.
No doubt bro, I'm definitely open to adopting, i was just talking about it the other day! One of my best friends was adopted from south sol korea. That's what really got me thinking about it lately. It sucks because it's down to me and my brother, we're the last of us to carry on the name and we're 30 now so it's getting crunch time. I just always wanted to have my ducks in a row because when I grew up I was pretty poor and I'd like to be able to provide reasonably if I had one :( I mean, we got by growing up and had the things we needed, but nothing like my friends had. My game plan is the next 4 years I need to figure it out!


Well-Known Member
First reply back from Santa's dry ice hash that was shipped.She got the dry ice hash and she said "OMG vaped some with a couple friends and was so baked and couldn't stop laughing, thanks for the best high I have had in awhile". Good to know others love this run of c99 as much as me especially the hash. When i go to CO this summer I am bringing 3 grams of Frenchy hash form c99 and it will have a 8 month cure by them so its gonna be the shit. After we smoke the weed in am and are high then its hash time to really bake. If you are at rm3 site you know about the gathering. Gonna be so fun.