Club 600


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure on how the visa system works but don't you have to tell them you have a legitimate job lined up and you can support your family etc?. i'm sure if you make it your main goal you will get what you want!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, it's pretty fucking awesome. If I wasn't leaving CA I'd think about opening a dispensary myself.

BTW.... Don't think I've mentioned here on the 600... I'm going to be moving to Tenerife (in the Canary Islands off the coast of Morocco, part of Spain). Me and the family are going to spend a year or so there growing MJ seeds on a farm. Pretty fucking stoked. I think we are off in March.
you lucky mofo;)

fingers crossed for the landlords making the right decision!


Well-Known Member
two layers of netting spaced about a ft apart? (about the exact amount of "decent" bud you can get from a 600w light horizontally) or one net over both sides of the tent? hard to tell from pics.

looks very much like cruise control from here on out. 30 egg shall easily be had!


Well-Known Member
she does look ready!

my personal recommendation would be to top her now, it won't hurt her going in to flower and will allow the plant to form more of a ball or bush shape as i think it may get a bit too tall being a sativa dominant plant.


Well-Known Member
she does look ready!

my personal recommendation would be to top her now, it won't hurt her going in to flower and will allow the plant to form more of a ball or bush shape as i think it may get a bit too tall being a sativa dominant plant.
Thank you,
I thought about doing that but was not sure if would ruin her. I am not sure what happen ? I check my plants each day but all of sudden she was huge..