Dat Dank
Active Member

The production of marijuana-derived products, like marijuana wax and hash oil, are a common cause of lab explosions throughout the country. The risk of an explosion rises when a laboratory uses any kind of alcohol solvent. But it also rises when the people working in the laboratory are untrained.
Cannabis extractions will always be popular, as they continue to prove beneficial to frequent users with high tolerance and those with serious medical problems. Marijuana wax and hash oil can be used in a variety of ways, and this versatility increases the demand. But because marijuana is illegal in most states, many who produce it are amateurs and are not properly trained.
As with anything illegal, the production of cannabis extractions does not follow a set of guidelines to ensure its workers and the community stay safe. Laboratories for marijuana wax and hash oil products lack proper ventilation, fire-suppression systems and controlled environments. Most workers in the industry are unable to rent safe facilities, resulting in the inclination to produce cannabis extractions in their own home.
Because there are no regulations for making marijuana wax, hash oil and other cannabis extractions, people continue to make the products in residential areas. This results in deadly explosions that could have been avoided had cannabis production been legalized and regulated.
If marijuana use and production were legal throughout the country, with it would come rules regarding how the laboratories are run. Workers would be skilled and trained in safety measures. Business owners could rent out proper laboratories. Businesses selling cannabis extractions would offer it for less than the black market, so people would not be inclined to start a laboratory in their homes.
The production and consumption of cannabis extractions will not cease in this country. If anything, the demand for it will grow over time. When marijuana is legalized, workers in the industry will be skilled professionals working in regulated laboratories, and BHO explosions will be few and far between.