Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My brother got a gun pulled on him by an old friend of mine that has become a paranoid tweeker....I'm so fucken pissed off right now..I'm going to go work out...When I see him I'm going to knock him senseless then I'm going to spend the next 25 minutes locking in submissions I shouldn't be attempting!don't worry Every time he taps I'll let go, I'm not an animal!
Heel hook


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You know what's crazy? My dog watching the surveillance cameras. I think it's pretty cool..
Keep training him and by next Christmas you could be a two income family :)

So here I sit in Random. I know I need to MOVE! and yet the edibles keep me glued to my chair. My harvest needs jarring and burping. My plants need to swap rooms. I've got to partition everyone for the coming seed runs. Then there's cloning, treating. I have two five foot mothers that need the axe and I need to move my lights around (not raise, MOVE! yeeeech). My 12 light was not meant to be used as a table. In other words I SHOULD BE WORKING!

The music is just starting to get good and I think I'm going to go shower and allow my grow to mellow for a few..... bye..

PS I have guests arriving in a few hours.........