Well-Known Member
No. What I'm trying to say is that the notion that capital gains should be taxed at drastically lower rates than hourly wages or salaries is itself bankrupt.I'm not understanding this. Are you saying Bill Gates making money takes it from us?
Do you feel you deserve money from another person because they have more? I hope I'm just reading this wrong.
Why should real estate or capital gains be taxed less? Why should a millionaire pay a lower tax rate, just because they earn more?
Here's the problem with low taxes; their money/wealth/power accumulates without effort and without merit, other than that of already having a pile of money. It's exactly the same economic situation our forebears by the millions left merry old England and founded this country- and why millions since have followed that same dream here.
It wasn't always thus, in the recent past the country taxed everyone equally and at relatively high rates. What happened? The fifties and the American golden age of the middle class.
Today by contrast, our economy is mired in inefficiency and lack of public capital with which to lead.
Subsidizing corporations just leads to more subsidies, not more prosperity. Has corporate America delivered on their promises of prosperity for all and jobs for everyone? Sure- for China!
Meanwhile, it's somehow everyone else's fault they're falling behind ever fewer getting ever richer- by obviously and transparently gaming the system for their own benefit at our expense?
Don't just read what I write to find holes in it and brag about them; we have real problems in this country that need real solutions. The fact that no one in Washington is listening isn't news- nor is it an excuse to be lazy or merely fight amongst ourselves.
Part of the Richie Rich right wing mythology is that entrepreneurs do it alone, with no help from and usually some interference from government. BULLSHIT. Public services and infrastructure are the foundation our business strength is built on.
The idea that some guy hawking a bit of schlock doesn't owe a debt to the society that makes his living possible is just greed and selfishness talking.
You want a justification for taxation, there you are.
I plan to be one of these rich people and I intend to pay my fair share in taxes and then some. Just like Mr Gates, Mr Buffett, Mr Soros and many others of serious means, I believe firmly in the need for everyone to contribute to their countrymen, the rich have more to do it with- and have certainly benefited the most.