Left/Right Brain Test


Active Member
I can't get it to change to save my life (spins clockwise). Well, if I stare at the upper corner so that it's barely in my peripheral vision it'll change but that's it. I'm locked into right-brain dominance it seems.

For those not seeing it, are you going to the link? Because the thing is spinning like mad, you just have to figure out which direction you're seeing. If you're not seeing a direction...yeah, you must be really high.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What the hell, it was changing directions for me :P

LOL... that's because there is NOTHING about it related to your brain. There is an algorithm behind the scenes programmed to change the direction of the dancer. It's not a simplistic one either... you can't just count rotations... other things are being taken into account in the algorithm. If I paid attention to it long enough I could probably figure it out (or at least come close).... it's just been a long day and I don't have it in me today. Maybe later :)


Well-Known Member
Thats fun dude I am usually right brained (creative stuff) but I switched a few times using some meditation techniques it was really cool!


Active Member
There's no algorithm, it's an optical illusion. I don't know if it actually relates to 'left-right' brain as the article states, but the direction it's spinning is completely dependent on your mind.

Someone added shading to the background to help people see the different rotations:


LOL... that's because there is NOTHING about it related to your brain. There is an algorithm behind the scenes programmed to change the direction of the dancer. It's not a simplistic one either... you can't just count rotations... other things are being taken into account in the algorithm. If I paid attention to it long enough I could probably figure it out (or at least come close).... it's just been a long day and I don't have it in me today. Maybe later :)
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
There's no algorithm, it's an optical illusion. I don't know if it actually relates to 'left-right' brain as the article states, but the direction it's spinning is completely dependent on your mind.

Someone added shading to the background to help people see the different rotations:


LOL... There IS an algorithm... one that determines which one is displayed and which one is hidden. The algorithm is what makes it CHANGE randomly ... and not at the same time for each viewer. The algorithm has variables built into it.... to make it different for each viewer.

I'm gonna pass this onto my senior developers... I bet they can easily identify the algorithm.... or at the very least identify the key variables of it. It's not simply an "optical illusion" .... there is an algorithm to it. :D


Well-Known Member
The change in direction seem a bit sudden and random, I'm not thinking much so strange that it changes. It wouldn't surprise me if there was an algorithm built into it. But that's an argument I'm not keen to get into haha.


Well-Known Member
When my girl and I were looking at it at the same time it was clockwise for her and counter for me..


Well-Known Member
Haha, explain that Florida Girl ... Does it seem really sudden and random when it changes direction to other people to?


Well-Known Member
Its wierd, I did see it go the other way once. But now it stays clockwise. And it stays counterclockwise for my girl, were watching at the same time


Well-Known Member
See now to improve the effectiveness of that experiment, add 1L Jack Daniels (or one of his friends, jimmy, CC or something :P), 2 joints of high quality ganja, and 1 cup of shroom tea. Then tell us if the dancer is spinning the same, or opposite direction to the rest of the room before you pass out. Cheers.