If anybody is wondering my style of growing and what nutrients I use...
I am using the organic line of Nectar for the gods. I use compost, earth worm castings, tea's and no till. The only non-organic product I use is General Hydroponics pH up. I do not test my pH or PPM's. I use a high calcium line with little or no nitrogen, start to finish, I rely on earth worm casting and and Plant Success 3-1-2 granular for my transplants. And that is it for nitrogen. Some may disagree with me, but I love a floral taste and not chlorophyll. I flower 60 day plants to 80 days. I always over flower and over flush. I want my buds to look damn near dead before I harvest. My next line of nutrients will 100% vegan. Although I maybe organic, I can only assume the feed that is fed to the cattle is not organic. Those cattle are probably fed GMO crops and fed tons of antibiotics. So I am moving away from organic and going full vegan.