bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
I cut down some testers yesterday everybody!! 1 afkansastan x 88g13hp that smells of cherries pine and a cat piss smell that came out once she was chopped down. I also had the pleasure of chopping a Skywalker og x 88g13hp and she smells of pine and cat piss also... Maybe my smeller is off or something but its crazy how these testers all the sudden smell like cat piss in a great way... I never expected a Christmas gift like this lol
Bro stop fuckin teasing and throw some pix up of that stuff. Got me over here drooling just thinking about how that sounds. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I am going to veg them for atleast 45 more days, they are just getting out of the seedling stage and working on their first couple of nodes. I unfortunately have to wait to see what is going on with my crazy ass neighbor before I can pop the other testers. Fucking sucks, bitch is basically trying to extort me (for childcare of all fucking things!?!). She smokes and knows what it smells like and apparently there is no firewall in the duplex I live in since she says it was smelling when i only had the clones in my closet... Bought another big filter and fan so it should be good, just kinda annoying that everywhere I go I hear a fan running now pretty much.

I hate this stupid hoe, first she tells me it isn't a problem we smoke because she smokes and her daughter's father grows and sells. Now she is saying she knows what we are doing and that if we don't keep her happy she will call the cops. Do not think she realizes that extortion is a worse felony to get charged with than cultivation in my state, she is just lucky she didn't threaten bodily harm or it she'd be looking at 7 years if she took me down.
Dafuck? How can she extort you for child care? Do you have a kid with her? Either way that sucks. Nothing worse than that.

I've got a turd for a neighbor that's said some nasty shit to my wife when I'm not around. Grounds for an ass kicking.... but I don't want police all up in my business so I've chosen to suck it up and leave it be. His day will come.... :fire:

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
its crazy how these testers all the sudden smell like cat piss in a great way...

Luckily or unluckily, there was an assault and I made a complaint.
That eliminates the neighboring muslims. :eyesmoke:

Got me over here drooling just thinking about how that sounds. :weed:
Man.....I might have your dream strain in my Last Resort bin....I mean......'For Connoisseurs Only" tin. :leaf:

I've got a turd for a neighbor that's said some nasty shit to my wife ......[snip]..... I've chosen to suck it up and leave it be.


Well-Known Member
Dafuck? How can she extort you for child care? Do you have a kid with her? Either way that sucks. Nothing worse than that.

I've got a turd for a neighbor that's said some nasty shit to my wife when I'm not around. Grounds for an ass kicking.... but I don't want police all up in my business so I've chosen to suck it up and leave it be. His day will come.... :fire:
Nope no kid with the crazy hoe, she just found put she is pregnant though. Says she is gonna have an abortion even though she doesnt believe in that kind of thing :confused:. Really doesnt matter if she decides to keep it at this point cus she drinks like a fucking fish... hence why I know half the shit I do about her is because she is a blabber mouth when drunk.
Thats why she wants me to watch her kids is so she can go to the bar. That was basically how our last convo ended was that we had better answer the door when she knocks because we need to be available to watch her kids when she wants to go out....
Uuggghh its a fucking nightmare, been havng pretty gnarly intestinal disteess this week because of her crazy bipolar bullshit. Just hope she moves soon then I am out this bitch in september.
Honestly this whole fiasco has me contemplating moving to a med state finally since they stripped the funding of doj and dea to go after state compliant ops. Michigan aint to far lol.


Well-Known Member
Man.....I might have your dream strain in my Last Resort bin....I mean......'For Connoisseurs Only" tin. :leaf:
Lol hahaha prolly man. I love flavors yo I'm prolly one of the few young guys I know that is a real sativa head. I always tell my dad how I wish I could smoke all the stuff he smoked back in the 60s,70s and 80s. He always talks about a strain called BlackGanja. I know it was sativa cus the way he explained the high very paranoid, always made his eye lids almost shut close they would get very puffy. Been trying to find anything about it but he's the only one I know that's smoked it


Well-Known Member
Nope no kid with the crazy hoe, she just found put she is pregnant though. Says she is gonna have an abortion even though she doesnt believe in that kind of thing :confused:. Really doesnt matter if she decides to keep it at this point cus she drinks like a fucking fish... hence why I know half the shit I do about her is because she is a blabber mouth when drunk.
Thats why she wants me to watch her kids is so she can go to the bar. That was basically how our last convo ended was that we had better answer the door when she knocks because we need to be available to watch her kids when she wants to go out....
Uuggghh its a fucking nightmare, been havng pretty gnarly intestinal disteess this week because of her crazy bipolar bullshit. Just hope she moves soon then I am out this bitch in september.
Honestly this whole fiasco has me contemplating moving to a med state finally since they stripped the funding of doj and dea to go after state compliant ops. Michigan aint to far lol.
1st make sure your filters are tight.. Next, you should ask her for weed the next few times you see her so she doesn't think you have a regular supply or whatever.. Following that if she still has the audacity to come to your house with that attitude, dial the 9 and 1 give her the phone while telling her that you don't have any buds and if she wants the police to come to go ahead and press the 1 because you wouldn't mind speaking to them yourself about her behavior..

Follow those directions and you should be neighbor free shortly lol.. Good luck wit that though.


Well-Known Member

That eliminates the neighboring muslims. :eyesmoke:

Man.....I might have your dream strain in my Last Resort bin....I mean......'For Connoisseurs Only" tin. :leaf:

Actually I don't know who lives there, but it isn't the Muslim family. They are excellent neighbors.

So many different people and ethnicities and age ranges go in and out of that apartment, but the assault was between a woman and a man. Shit was unbelievable. Apparently she wouldn't leave the apartment, so both of them were attacking one another. I decided upon seeing a bat it wasn't in my best interest to stick around.


Well-Known Member
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas/holiday season with their friends and family.

So I did end up killing off the Malawi, 14 weeks in or so and I'll update that thread. I had Bodhi gear I wanted to get into flower.

I replaced Malawi gals with Ancient OG, which stinks to high heaven, and I'm pretty sure it's a female. I also threw in a fine looking Pagoda plant. Not sure of the gender on that one, but based on what I'm seeing, I believe it too may be female. Tons more Bodhi on deck, testers are doing well.

So in the tent now is Ancient OG, Pagoda, Maple Leaf Indica, China Yunnan, Snow Queen (who's a three leaf slow plant surprisingly), Blueberry Hill, and Lucky Charms F2.


Well-Known Member
so what's everyones favorite Bodhi strain that's available in seed form and why is it your favorite?
Oh man the Elfenston is the best strain he has made in a decade!!!!!giant huuuug e buds so sticky and awesome!!!hurry while they last attitude seeds still has some.they're going fast though bro better go now!!!!


Well-Known Member
so what's everyones favorite Bodhi strain that's available in seed form and why is it your favorite?
My favorite is Sunshine Daydream. But I haven't had a bad Bodhi plant yet. Only one I've only had one female plant is Goji, but I've grown multiple of Superstitious, Mountain Temple (which I think I mislabeled the one I wanted to keep as I believe the one I kept around is more haze influenced), Blueberry Hill, Snow Queen, and White Lotus.

Of other Bodhi gear I have, I've only gotten males or I lost a female like I did with Lemon Zinger. The three previous males I've had with Ancient OG were very uniform plants, at least up till early flower and they were eventually removed for obvious reasons. Very stinky and had early resin production. Pagoda was another strain I had males in the first go round.

The testers I've got popped of Afkan x Snow Lotus and Afkan x 88gHP are moving along swimmingly. The Afkan x 88 seems to be a tad slower in veg as both strain testers were started at the same time. Healthy nonetheless, and I've got Tranquil Elephantizer Remix is coming up next for flowering.

All in all, I haven't had a problem with his gear, unless I've made mistakes. One of them was flowering even small plants in small pots and running into root space issues. Other problems would effect any plant such as drought or extreme temperatures. Plus after trying some IBL and land race strains, one misses the vigor Bodhi's gear brings to the table


Well-Known Member
Here is the girl I called the Gigantor pheno of Afkansastan x 88g13hp..... She was head and shoulders in vigor above all the others in thickness/ girthyness and how wide she was. Her Root mass was insane compared to all the others. She outgrew her 3 gallon pot by like her 2 week in flower to the point of the water could only get down a inch or two in the soil so I transplanted her into a 5 gallon pot and when I chopped her I checked out her roots and they were close to doing the same thing to the 5 gallon. She smelled of cherries and piney hash during flower and once I chopped her she started stinking the room up with a cat piss odor.:weed::blsmoke::hump::cool::cool:DSCN0761.JPG DSCN0764.JPG DSCN0753.JPG DSCN0735.JPG

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
Gah. Step 1 of 5764536. Bout to dewax 100+ g's of Niburu/Deadly G-blueberry as it was seeded quite nicely (deadly G = ron jeremy) Should have some nice shatter soon.IMG_4641.jpg
Oh. I guess they rooted. That was actually 2 weeks ago. Just had to pull out insane clumps of rooties to transplant.


Well-Known Member
Imagine this scenario: we're chaperoning a pre teen dance. On the refreshment table is 6 punch bowls, each labelled:

[1] orange [2] black cherry [3] lime [4] pineapple [5] grape, and [6] cat piss.

Is it really that hard to figure out?
Lol, I couldn't help but laugh at that analogy. It's not a bad one, but I'd think of it more like beverages in general. Some people don't get hoppy beers, I myself can't stand sours, and strongly dislike rice beers. Other people just can't stand beer and enjoy wines or abstain over all. Other people yet still, don't particularly care and will drink anything.

Now cat piss, that's one I haven't had in a long time. I recall liking that one, but that was many years ago.

ETA: scotch/whiskey comes to mind too. Some people don't like the really peaty ones, while others wouldn't touch a rye or bourbon


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3321187
View attachment 3321195
Gah. Step 1 of 5764536. Bout to dewax 100+ g's of Niburu/Deadly G-blueberry as it was seeded quite nicely (deadly G = ron jeremy) Should have some nice shatter soon.View attachment 3321196
Oh. I guess they rooted. That was actually 2 weeks ago. Just had to pull out insane clumps of rooties to transplant.
View attachment 3321197
While not the biggest fan of this shatter/wax revitalization, that looks nice!

And yes, that is some corny ass shit, lol.

Here is the girl I called the Gigantor pheno of Afkansastan x 88g13hp..... She was head and shoulders in vigor above all the others in thickness/ girthyness and how wide she was. Her Root mass was insane compared to all the others. She outgrew her 3 gallon pot by like her 2 week in flower to the point of the water could only get down a inch or two in the soil so I transplanted her into a 5 gallon pot and when I chopped her I checked out her roots and they were close to doing the same thing to the 5 gallon. She smelled of cherries and piney hash during flower and once I chopped her she started stinking the room up with a cat piss odor.:weed::blsmoke::hump::cool::cool:View attachment 3321186 View attachment 3321190 View attachment 3321192 View attachment 3321194
Beautiful! I can only hope I get a gal as lovely (with Bodhi, I'm sure something good will come along). How many weeks you've been taking them? Any issues?