thats the story you are expected to accept.
the soviets imported massive numbers of albanians into serb croat and bosnian areas to ensure that they were fighting the albanians, rather than the soviets.
how could they be sure the serbs croats bosnians etc would fight the albanian transplants? because albanians think they have a right to dominate anyone who lives near them
just look at that vile putrid racist "theexpress"
history demonstrates clearly that the albanian "culture" as a whole expects to rule every ethnic group that comes under their gaze, and resiting their rightful power is unacceptable.
the albanians see themselves as the rightful heirs of the ottoman empire, and bubba clinton gobbled up the albanian propaganda, since it suited clinton's postmoderrnism narrative perfectly.
so what if the bosnians serbs and croats wound up crushed under a brutal moslem theocracy with dreams of hegemony.
the albanians were sufficiently non-european in culture that bubba could feel like a hero for striking against those who were too much like the society that produced him, in support of the Other Side, which means he must be the super awesome king of objectivity.
it was all about Feels, and bubba proving to the world (and himself) that he was totally "anti-racist" by supporting a MOSLEM TERRORIST ORGANISATION (the KLA) in opposition to the europe favouring serbs bosnians and croat christians
bubba picked his side for political gain and to prove his fealty to the one-wolrd-government shitheels, dominated by the primitive hateful third world despots who make up ~60% of the UN's membership