The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
just not sure sure what i was doing wrong i only done them because i cut the shit of bottom of plants so thought id try my luck

i soaked rockwall cubes in ph 5 water took excess water out cut the cutting just below a node 45 degree's dipped it in the clonex gel then put in the rockwall then put it in the my unheated propagator first time i did it put it on a shelf just above a heater 2nd time i put it in a shaded part of my tent mey be i should just stop being a tight ass and buy a heated propagator
biggest fail with cuts is air in the stem, heres how to avoid it, get a jar of dechlorinated water, take ur cut branches and put em in the water, then cut them under water then dip in clonex then into jiffy pellets then large prop with lid on imo


Well-Known Member
If this terpinator gets the lemon even frostier I need to try it man...I'm at 8 weeks today and the lemon is greasy as, starting to get a peppery note to it now but still shit loads of white pistills on her....I chopped a lil branch off her the other day and its hardly shrunk but takes forever to dry man must be all that resin :)


Staff member
Now wld be a good time to restore R3l@X's account.

mods have had em on 'discourage' feature for awhile, which is really unnecessary for the new years.

fix this please @sunni if you'd be so kind. ty
the computer will automatically drop a warning off and it will take him off discouraged.
it really hasnt been that long its been like 1 week.
usually warnings are a month long,
its all computerized these days ;)

Just a tip though if you dont break the rules you wont get warnings ;)
Happy new years folks have a good one


Well-Known Member
Sunni, they need their laxx..a week's (been well over a week btw) like an eternity when you've been graced with the presence of the slipper bandit then have him taken away from you! ...wouldn't be the slipper bandit if I didn't break the rules!...I'm picturing that dude from the matrix in the room..the architect dude.tippy


Well-Known Member
If this terpinator gets the lemon even frostier I need to try it man...I'm at 8 weeks today and the lemon is greasy as, starting to get a peppery note to it now but still shit loads of white pistills on her....I chopped a lil branch off her the other day and its hardly shrunk but takes forever to dry man must be all that resin :)
my tops ar fist thick on the z at 8 weeks and are starting to pack on weight, they like extra potassium imo in late flower otherwise they don't fll rite out, was using KOH and pH ing with ascorbic acid but terpinator is doing a good job with the resin which is what we r growing tbh


Well-Known Member
the computer will automatically drop a warning off and it will take him off discouraged.
it really hasnt been that long its been like 1 week.
usually warnings are a month long,
its all computerized these days ;)

Just a tip though if you dont break the rules you wont get warnings ;)
Happy new years folks have a good one
and where would we find these mysterious rules lol hny
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Well-Known Member
wanna hear a broken record?

try bloombastic!. terpinator is a watered down version of it from what i can gather.
i know it isn't fully organic but you will be using 3ml per gallon at max strength.

anyone ever bought spirytus from a shop? i went in two polish supermarkets asking them and they looked at me as if i was asking if i could borrow their kids for the night to act as hostesses at my sex party.:shock: i just wanna make hash ffs


New Member
the computer will automatically drop a warning off and it will take him off discouraged.
it really hasnt been that long its been like 1 week.
usually warnings are a month long,
its all computerized these days ;)

Just a tip though if you dont break the rules you wont get warnings ;)
Happy new years folks have a good one
Sunni what would a banned member have to do to get unbanned? I've seen some old banned members have popped up again recently so I'm presuming it can be done.
I'm asking for a friend who was banned unjustly and would be a reformed character if he was allowed back on RIU.


Well-Known Member
wanna hear a broken record?

try bloombastic!. terpinator is a watered down version of it from what i can gather.
i know it isn't fully organic but you will be using 3ml per gallon at max strength.

anyone ever bought spirytus from a shop? i went in two polish supermarkets asking them and they looked at me as if i was asking if i could borrow their kids for the night to act as hostesses at my sex party.:shock: i just wanna make hash ffs
how is 0 0 4 comparable to bloomnastic which is ?


Well-Known Member
comparable in the way that it supposedly enhances oil/terpene production. it also does a lot of other things but from what i can see terpinator is a less potent product.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that bloombastic I might get one of the little bottles and give it a run for its money one day but next run I'm gonna try with no boost just a+b and pk maybe some ripen as well?


Well-Known Member
do a side by side, it'll give you a better idea of whether or not the shit works having two identical cuttings next to each other being fed differently. i've only done two cycles with a+b and pk 13/14 and both were not the best imo, yield and quality were both affected. i reckon you should save yourself the time and swap out the boost for bloombastic.

whats everyone up to tonight?. having a little gathering in the house, volcano is even coming out to play!.


Well-Known Member
do a side by side, it'll give you a better idea of whether or not the shit works having two identical cuttings next to each other being fed differently. i've only done two cycles with a+b and pk 13/14 and both were not the best imo, yield and quality were both affected. i reckon you should save yourself the time and swap out the boost for bloombastic.

whats everyone up to tonight?. having a little gathering in the house, volcano is even coming out to play!.
Doin same as m8 only no volcano, plenty of booze and weed and a couple pills may get popped later too