Ok, we are at the hospital. Waiting. My darling is in bed with a baby heart monitor on. Everything seems good. She's not really having contractions but her water broke. I'm guessing we are not leaving here without a baby even if they have to induce. So we agreed on the first name, not quite the middle name.
So please give me your best advice for the next 30 years. You don't have to be a parent and you don't need to be serious.
well first thing is first dont baby them when there growing up let them climb trees and run around i mean dont let them get free candy from uncle Chester the molester or run around with a aids needle
if they smoke weed then make it a controlled environment where they dont run the risk of having to buy it off the streets and get caught but dont force them to smoke if you catch them with weed then thats when you make it a controlled environment
what i mean by that is if they keep thee grades up and do all the chores and homework and dont get into too much trouble then let them have some and i mean like a gram or so not like a zip for every A on there progress report
secondly if its a boy make him do football when i played it was so good for me i got in shape and meet cool ass people
oh and dont let him disrespect you but dont be a nazi parent ik some kids who had parents that would go through there shit because they had loose shoe laces and they thought it was cuz he shoot up
and when you teach him how to fight (my dad taught me this part is optional) tell him to go balls to the wall and go hardcore
and oh yes now in days fights happen alot and if you back down then everyone thinks your a pussy i got in a bunch of fights and im a really tame person lol i dont look for a fight infact when im in a fight im scared shitless like for real i get so scared every time but i still fight till someone pulls me off or pulls him off when i got in a fight with my step dad recently a few months back he put all his weight on me and started choking down hard i couldn't breathe and i thought that was it im gonna die here but i still went all out and ended up fucking him up so bad he had to call the police on me
im not a parent but i was raised to be a gentleman and to be humble and its helped out ALOT
but being a gentleman has helped me more then anything else because its gotten me out of trouble, made good impressions, made people think highly of me and my parents and helped me get so many jobs, girls and friends
i know i dont act like a gentleman on here like i do offline but honestly i am more of a gentleman then any teenager you'll ever meet
hopefully youre baby is a boy lol cuz i wrote this for raising a boy into a respectable man
and if its a girl then i guess you got the shit end of the deal lmao just kidding