bodhi seeds

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Beautiful!!!! Looks like Ghash has put its mark on the Blue Dream very well. Looks like added frost and nice structure. What the smells like on those ladies? Great work bro. Mines are passing the seedling stage now and hopefully will start taking off soon
That's funny seeing as GHASH is nowhere near this cross. Difference between GHASH and Bodhi's G13HP mate. Don't know how everybody ends up calling it GHASH but anyhoo


Well-Known Member
That's funny seeing as GHASH is nowhere near this cross. Difference between GHASH and Bodhi's G13HP mate. Don't know how everybody ends up calling it GHASH but anyhoo
What can you call then bro. I mean is it the Deadly G I mean isn't it suppose to be ndnguys 88G13/Hashplant. Isnt that the name it's called cus I talked with a breeder who breeds with Bodhi gear and gets it from him and he called it Ghash too so iono but I wanna have my info right tho
Ancient OG male. A fucking stinker! Damn I've never had these odds of male plants, 4/5 and the other one is still not showing. Really love the structure on these plants though and hoping I can find a female eventually.
View attachment 3324358

Here is a Pagoda male.
View attachment 3324366
Damn thats crazy. Sorry to hear about more males.

Stinky how? I got my 3 females in flower now and they are gettinf the stretch on.


Well-Known Member
Damn thats crazy. Sorry to hear about more males.

Stinky how? I got my 3 females in flower now and they are gettinf the stretch on.
Like total skunk but it has this odd sweetness to it. The other males were similar. Honestly they are more strong in odor than some of my other plants almost completed with flowering. Bit of a fuel aroma to it as well, but these you definitely don't want to attempt with out a good filter. I can only hope the other plant I've got is a female. I've got high hopes for this strain yet haven't gotten a lady yet.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I've got two open spots and I'm trying to guess which ones I should give a go. I've got one TER that has female preflowers, and for the record, none of the TER v2 have been auto flowering for me. I've got a Lemon Zinger that's showing female, and I have another Lucky Charms female showing.

My guess is the other Pagoda is a male, the other Lemon Zinger is a male, and the other TER is a male based on what I'm seeing.

So who should take the two spots available? Lemon Zinger, Lucky Charms, TER?


Well-Known Member
Lets get some tranquil up in this bitch is my vote.
That's what I'm thinking. Some TER and will spice it up with Lemon Zinger as the one I lost was looking very promising. Some other spaces will be opening up as Maple Leaf Indica, China Yunnan and Blueberry Hill are finishing up. Both MLI and China Yunnan are not looking like they will stay around for another go. Both while being very good totem poles of producers, are far less attractive and not nearly as loud in aromas. Smoke test will tell for sure but by appearance, they won't make the cut

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
Now these are some happy ladies! Spectacular. Looks like you might have quite a dense flower room pretty soon. Anyway damn pretty plants looks like your soil mix is dialled in beyond belief.
Truly, thank you my brotha. That means alot. I compost tons of household scraps. My composting area is larger than my garden with two huge rolling composters. I feed the worms only compost and I'm constantly sifting that and adding to my soil bins adjusting with a lil coco and perlite here and there. And that's my whole game.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
What can you call then bro. I mean is it the Deadly G I mean isn't it suppose to be ndnguys 88G13/Hashplant. Isnt that the name it's called cus I talked with a breeder who breeds with Bodhi gear and gets it from him and he called it Ghash too so iono but I wanna have my info right tho
I hate to do this to you man... Calicat we need your encyclopedia of can a knowledge here lol... I don't want to fudge the details if it is important to you, but far as I have been informed it is a case of similar parents but different crosses by different people, but both are 88G13HP by technical definition. All I know is I was corrected on this one a few times when i called it GHASH...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Truly, thank you my brotha. That means alot. I compost tons of household scraps. My composting area is larger than my garden with two huge rolling composters. I feed the worms only compost and I'm constantly sifting that and adding to my soil bins adjusting with a lil coco and perlite here and there. And that's my whole game.
Plus rep if I still could. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE COMPOST! Those girls are spoiled rotten. Couldn't get better humic material if they tried. Truly beautiful. Nothing like working with your own compost, such Zen, never feel bad after some time turning and playing with it. I also have a whole composting she right next to my soil shed, my pride and joy!


Well-Known Member
I hate to do this to you man... Calicat we need your encyclopedia of can a knowledge here lol... I don't want to fudge the details if it is important to you, but far as I have been informed it is a case of similar parents but different crosses by different people, but both are 88G13HP by technical definition. All I know is I was corrected on this one a few times when i called it GHASH...
Lol not even. The first time I ever read Ghash being thrown out was by Motarebel and Hazeman. Probably Bodhi and NdnGuy would be able to furnish information to help clear the confusion. And you are correct that is the speculation that has revolved for quite sometime concerning Ghash. And that rabbit hole goes a little deeper lol.


Well-Known Member
Just did some transplanting. Of the four Afkan x Snow Lotus, 3 of them have a tall, mid spaced nodes, with one being more stout. Branching is non existing at this point. Of the Afkan x 88gHP, one is getting roots in the bucket from me accidently breaking it at the base of its stem. The rest are looking great. Kinda in the teenage phase of their growth. Pinching them to promote more branching, overall everything is looking good in the garden.