Crimes against Humanity?


Well-Known Member
I admit to knowing very little about the conflict over there and don't really care enough to know about the politics involved but I always read these threads. The Joo hate is palpable.
Israel is giving the Jews a bad name. They should have figured out by now that the world hates oppressors, and like it or not, that is what the world sees in the Israeli actions towards the Palestinians. So sorry, but fact.


Well-Known Member
Another American with his head full of Israeli propaganda (they control all the media) calling for the extermination of the indigenous people of the land (Palestinians) so the Israelis can steal all the land

very sad,shows how brainwashed the average American is
I said evict, not exterminate. Someone posted an article about how much land is in israel compared with how much land is in muslim countries and Israel has a tiny fraction of the total land.

The muslims simply want all the land and are fighting for every piece of it as they have since 1967 and before.

Until the Palestinians stop attacking the Israeli's you have absolutely no point to stand on. That isnt propaganda it is common sense.


Well-Known Member
Israel is giving the Jews a bad name. They should have figured out by now that the world hates oppressors, and like it or not, that is what the world sees in the Israeli actions towards the Palestinians. So sorry, but fact.
Yeah, cause in 1967 all their neighbors tried to kill them and havent stopped since... Damn oppressors....


Well-Known Member
you know China has full cities of unoccupied properties? Could we not just fabricate a history which suggested Jews came from there? We could also imply American Indians aren't indigenous to America.


Well-Known Member
its quite alarming that the Aussies are one of the least anti Semitic according to the ADL world map with only 14% of their population harboring anti Semitic attitudes
never would of guessed that

Folk can report any anti Semitic attitudes they encounter directly to the ADL
That's because there are hardly any Jews there, and the Aussies are too busy cooking shrimp on the Barbie and inhaling Fosters. They should spend a week in New York trying to buy a diamond or a camera, that will straighten them right out


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cause in 1967 all their neighbors tried to kill them and havent stopped since... Damn oppressors....
Because they STOLE THE FUCKING LAND. How many Jews in PALISTINE in 1948? How many in 1950 on land giving to the Jews by the UN (USA), and there is a serious discussion as to why the surrounding Arab nations hate Israel, and by association the US? Wake up, please, and forget that bullshit. The Arabs hate ISRAEL, not the Jew, because they walked in and started colonizing land they had no right to. Period. Kind of like why the US is hated around the world, for their "Manifest Destiny" mantra that they used to fuck millions of people around the globe. Want a list? Read American history, from 1776 to the present day.


Well-Known Member
Another American with his head full of Israeli propaganda (they control all the media) calling for the extermination of the indigenous people of the land (Palestinians) so the Israelis can steal all the land

very sad,shows how brainwashed the average American is

I wish we used all the money we sent to Israel on the United States, we could actually pay to get our buildings back up to code and the homeless off the street. Instead we leave the homeless there as a reminder to be a good citizen or this is what can happen.


Well-Known Member
That's because there are hardly any Jews there, and the Aussies are too busy cooking shrimp on the Barbie and inhaling Fosters. They should spend a week in New York trying to buy a diamond or a camera, that will straighten them right out
is that kinda like how living in the bay area was supposed to make me racist?

because i've spent time in new york and it didn't make me a raging anti-semite like you.


Well-Known Member
Because they STOLE THE FUCKING LAND. How many Jews in PALISTINE in 1948? How many in 1950 on land giving to the Jews by the UN (USA), and there is a serious discussion as to why the surrounding Arab nations hate Israel, and by association the US? Wake up, please, and forget that bullshit. The Arabs hate ISRAEL, not the Jew, because they walked in and started colonizing land they had no right to. Period. Kind of like why the US is hated around the world, for their "Manifest Destiny" mantra that they used to fuck millions of people around the globe. Want a list? Read American history, from 1776 to the present day.
You mean the US still does I hope. It's like the Mitch Hedberg quote "I used to smoke pot, I still do, but I used to too".

Using the logic that Israel is an illegitimate country, can you name a legitimate one?


Well-Known Member
Did you ever go down to the diamond district, and haggle over a parking space? I actually hate Irish bars in the Bronx too. Loud, arrogant off the boat micks, that all they want to do is fight, drink and fuck, and actually in that order. What I know is that if you want to get the best deal on a electronic item, or a diamond, go shopping on a Saturday, because all the crooks are closed then.
Uncle, I basically grew up in Westchester, NY, if I wasn't in Ireland, the stereotypical land of the drunk. I grew up amongst thieves ( connected Italians), cheap as dirt (Jews), lying wastes of time and energy ( Blacks) outright sexual deviants (Puerto Ricans) and shit carpenters (Polacks), and my family, half of them raging drunks (good in a fight though) So, you see I pretty much dislike most of the inhabitants of the world, Dr. Keynes and myself especially.( and especially Zionists). I like you though, even if you have hardly a tooth left in your head, because you are so fucking old (I'm right, right?)


Well-Known Member
You mean the US still does I hope. It's like the Mitch Hedberg quote "I used to smoke pot, I still do, but I used to too".

Using the logic that Israel is an illegitimate country, can you name a legitimate one?
Sweden and Ireland come to mind


Well-Known Member
Sweden and Ireland come to mind
What should we do about the rest of them? The US, Canada, all of the countries sprung from colonization from GB and Rome?

Your fixation on just Israel is example of Joo hate to me. Help me to understand why it's different for them than the rest of us?


Well-Known Member
What should we do about the rest of them? The US, Canada, all of the countries sprung from colonization from GB and Rome?

Your fixation on just Israel is example of Joo hate to me. Help me to understand why it's different for them than the rest of us?
Because we live in the 21st century, and we theoretically are developing as a species, so whatever occurred in the 1st or 19th century means shit today hopefully.. I actually fixate on the Palestinians, and I can assure you that I have no interest to think about Israel. Actually I wish I never heard of that fucking bain on the existence of man for the latter portion of the 20th fucking century, and here we go fucking again, starting off with Israel on the front fucking page in 2015. WTF Also, don't disrespect the Jews by calling them Joo's, it sort of sounds racist, so you might as well call them yid's or kike bastards or something like that. It's not nice,


Well-Known Member
Because we live in the 21st century, and we theoretically are developing as a species, so whatever occurred in the 1st or 19th century means shit today hopefully.. I actually fixate on the Palestinians, and I can assure you that I have no interest to think about Israel. Actually I wish I never heard of that fucking bain on the existence of man for the latter portion of the 20th fucking century, and here we go fucking again, starting off with Israel on the front fucking page in 2015. WTF Also, don't disrespect the Jews by calling them Joo's, it sort of sounds racist, so you might as well call them yid's or kike bastards or something like that. It's not nice,
I call them Joos to mock the hatred I don't understand. I'll stop if you are that easily offended while spouting your hatred for a country. Who knew?

I've heard both sides arguments and figure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Forgive me if my solution is for us to butt out.


Well-Known Member
I call them Joos to mock the hatred I don't understand. I'll stop if you are that easily offended while spouting your hatred for a country. Who knew?

I've heard both sides arguments and figure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Forgive me if my solution is for us to butt out.
Yea, I REALLY don't like Israel and China. That's about it. Turks are sort of up there, oh, I also have no use for Guatemalans and Russians, at all.