AMA - UncleBuck


Well-Known Member
took a third one and got the exact same result. very slightly right brained.

took a fourth one and got slightly left brained.

kinda what i suspected. mostly even, leaning a little right.


Well-Known Member
its made from leftover brewer yeast extract. Most people trying it for the first time will say it tastes like road tar. It is an acquired taste, but one most Aussies have grown to love. There is a rumor the USA has banned the importation of vegemite because it contains folate. if you see it, you should try it.


Well-Known Member
its made from leftover brewer yeast extract. Most people trying it for the first time will say it tastes like road tar. It is an acquired taste, but one most Aussies have grown to love. There is a rumor the USA has banned the importation of vegemite because it contains folate. if you see it, you should try it.
I don't think it tastes tarry. I've had it a few times (Aus. friend) and the first time It tried it it tasted very, very salty. It reminded me of the dried seaweed I eat from the package or miso paste.

I had it on bread but I think it would be a lot better on toast.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it tastes tarry. I've had it a few times (Aus. friend) and the first time It tried it it tasted very, very salty. It reminded me of the dried seaweed I eat from the package or miso paste.

I had it on bread but I think it would be a lot better on toast.
try this too, you got to spread it thin only need a little or it might burn your lips
its nice on toast with lots of melted butter


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
those test results came straight from my own mind!
I got a 50. Exactly in the middle, I wasn't really expecting that.

Both your right and left hemisphere seem to have reached a level of perfect harmony - rather than trying to dominant each other, they work together to create a unique and well-balanced "you". Your spontaneous, impulsive, and free-flowing right brain creates an exciting and adventurous world, while your left brain helps you make sense of it and keep track of everything.
When faced with a problem or a tough decision, you're not only able to break things down and make an informed and sensible choice, but you're also not afraid to go with your gut when necessary. You tend to express your individuality both in words and actions, and although you're perfectly comfortable running on a schedule or planning things ahead of time, there are occasions when you love to throw in a little spontaneity.
Your balanced outlook and approach to life creates a desire in you to not only understand the world, but to also take it in your hands and mold it as you see fit. With both your right and left hemispheres working together to guide you, you are able to understand yourself and life in general from so many wonderful perspectives.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
no, but it has my attention now. what does it taste like?
It's very salty. If you spread it on buttered toast, which is how I recommend you try it, it has an after taste almost like Colby Jack cheese. That's the closest thing I could think of to describe the taste, I love the stuff and have already gone through 2 jars of it since I first ordered them back in july. Ebay sells jars of it if you're looking to buy.


Well-Known Member
IMO Marmite is best when made into a toasted sandwich with cucumber, tomato, lettuce (like a spring or italian mix...not iceberg or romaine) and some thin slices of red onion.
Crack of pepper, and some nice cheddar, you'll be rocking a sammich that makes you say "damn I wish I made two of those muthafuckas!"
Oh, you do need some butter as a base though, to help the marmite spread around. That stuff is potent and stickier than finger rub.

With that as a base recipe, are you willing to try it Buck?


Well-Known Member
Beware! Marmite is inferior to Vegemite... I like the sandwich idea though I usually have just vegemite and cheddar cheese toasted.