No vitamins. Most all cheap multi-vitamins have beta carotene, either for color or as a source of vitamin a. But I drink and eat tons of vitamin A safely.. as long as its vitamin a palmitate.
I consume plenty of vitamin c, b vitamins, etc.... iron. I'm fairly concious of it.... I try.
I love oatmeal square cereal from quaker. Lots of fiber and good vitamins.
Heck all milk from major companies has added vitamin a palmitate.... they add A and D.
I'm losing weight consistently, used to be fairly obese . Now I'm skinny lookin from a distance, weigh 180 lbs. At 6 foot 3 inches about. Skinny limbs, super small hips, no ass ha ha. carry my weight in my torso, got man boobs from being fat before, lol. I'm not weak, but should be stronger and have better muscle.
Its gotta be the pigment. And somehow that cara cara orange happens to produce it... cuz I love minneolas, oranges, tangerines, manderins, clemintines. They don't make me sick.
Last time I ate a blood orange I was ok too, but I wouldn't try it now.
Ugh... thx for helping me . U peeps rock! At least now I read every label and am more health concious....
But damn that cara cara thing. Gave the remaining one to my boss he was fine. Happy to eat it. So it wasn't a bad batch.
I almost wonder if somehow they added color/beta carotene to that batch tho. Tyhey were very ripe looking. Tasted good too damnit...
Yeah u guys have a very good point. Bring up the beta carotene thing. Its un heard of to be completely allergic to beta carotene I found out. So again, I'm leaning towards believing the pigment is to blame. But damn...