Really poor yield Dark devil auto :(

Hay all I'm new here actually my first post so hi.
Anyway let's get down to it....
I got myself 5 dark devil auto seeds by sweet seeds..... I got them because I thought the buds would be purple and it promised huge yields. I am almost all the way through my grow 8 weeks and I have probably got 3 grams per plant dry.... Needless to say I'm not impressed I want to know if anyone had any similar failures or any decent advice for me and possibly tell me where I went wrong. Had a combined 1200w heaps of water in soil however the pots could have been bigger...
The plant is about 1-2 ft high with 3 sections of bud all about half a gram each...... I'll get some photos soon
do you have pics? autos will really show your skill if you arent caring for them right, try again im sure your next harvest will be at least double
do you have pics? autos will really show your skill if you arent caring for them right, try again im sure your next harvest will be at least double

I'll get some pictures later. I have a feeling it's because I moved them a couple times they started in small pots and got moved 3 times. I now know to start them in the pot they will finish in and I really messed up the light times. I threw them in my mates setup and he was 1 month into a regular grow without autos and my plants ended up with 18/6 then 16/8 and 12/12 so after doing some research realised they shouldn't be dropped below 18/6 :( but will upload a photo tonight. I'm disappointed I spent a bit on seeds to have only two work and then only produce 4 maybe 5 g dry but knowledge is power and I have learned a lot from this. They aren't as hardy as normal plants and react badly to change and not being well looked after :(
You already know never to transplant an auto. Other basic tips... THOU SHALT NOT:
Over water.
Over feed. Don't even touch nutes until week 3 or 4
Top, crop, super crop or fim
Start in 'hot' soil
Change your lighting schedule

Basically, resist the urge to tinker too much, water when your soil is dry, not on a schedule (they will need water mire often as they get big and especially when they flower). Good luck in your future endeavors.
^^^ that guy said it all ! Really bummer that they turned that way . However learning is one thing . I'm going to grow 20 of these soon along with 20 Auto Ak by female seeds.
^^^ that guy said it all ! Really bummer that they turned that way . However learning is one thing . I'm going to grow 20 of these soon along with 20 Auto Ak by female seeds.
Awesome I hope you open a thread about your grow so I can watch and take some pointers. I'm fairly experienced with normal beans just some of the variety available in auto flower just grabbed my attention especially the sweet seeds Devils my next batch I have a few Autos and a few normal beans. The normal beans and autos will have heir own tents and lighting schedules this time
Awesome I hope you open a thread about your grow so I can watch and take some pointers. I'm fairly experienced with normal beans just some of the variety available in auto flower just grabbed my attention especially the sweet seeds Devils my next batch I have a few Autos and a few normal beans. The normal beans and autos will have heir own tents and lighting schedules this time
Awesome/.. Yea I'm gonna do a journal on them. I'm also upgrading my lightss to Cmh and Led. It will be fun
That's a fat harvest hahah
yeah I know right. It was my bad It was my first try with autos I have seen people average 100gm per plant so if I could get that much of this bud I'd be stoked. The bud ( the whole 2 grams dry) is actually really nice and fruity smelling and is being cured I hope it smokes as good as it smells after the curing is done.....
there is a reason why autoflowering doesn't win cups, just saying... ;)
Your to funny OD. I think autos will get better as time goes on . They'll never. Compare to photos but serve a purpose . Less nutes , less care for lazy people who dont want the hassle of the TLC photos need . Again I like both but you can't compare apples to oranges. Breeders wouldn't be breeding or creating it if their wasn't a market .
The color is amazing, damn shame they didn't yield bigger, my condolences. But that color.... Also, I just gotta say, I was mildly distracted by the fact that you and I share a rare hand trait that I've never seen in anyone but myself, which is a Single Transverse Palmar Crease, AKA a Simian Line. So yeah. Sorry for the distraction, but.... High Five!