Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
i'm going to pretend you said "yes" because this person is productive member of society it is his right to think of any fucking thing he wants to think about..including masturbation of himself.

how would it be under sharia law?
again your thoughts are you thoughts. No one can control your thoughts. Imagine what he could do if he stopped thinking of masturbation. Can you still work properly or study properly if you are thinking about playing with your vagina all day?


Well-Known Member
I left for a little while and they couldn't stop talking about me.

When you announce in a pissy tone of voice you were leaving we all started laughing.

When you came back we laughed some more. Why? You were not missed one bit.

Does this mean you don't like me? Boo Hoo.
Hey whiny pussy.
show me my quote where I announced I was leaving?
Hey remember when you went to the mods because I wore your avatar?


Well-Known Member
neither do 99.99999999999999% of american muslims and about 99.99999% of muslims worldwide.

so why the double standard?
then why are all those people saying something..anything other than some muslim commentators..i'm talking leadership.

you know why you don't hear from leadership condemning this?

they can't stop them. NOTHING can. it's to the death.

the the fact the an american university supported with american tax dollars was going to allow islamic call to prayer because many donors are islamic?

that's not the way it works in this country.

you have your religious days that are recognized and you go to your home or place of worship and do it there.

not this bullshit in public worship..americans do not like public worship and feel very uncomfortable about.

members here in political say all the time that they feel uncomfortable when they see others just break in prayer at a public restaurant.

america where we have all religions, agnostics, atheist and everything in between and have the right to choose or not.

islam is not a choice..none of them get to have a choice and they want the same for us..why? because jihad.


Well-Known Member
you only like the japs because hitler liked them too.calling a white person a monkey is different to calling ablack person a monkey,because of the history behind just dont get it do you.calling a black person racist in a country like america,is like calling a woman who works in a all mens club sexist.some white ppl like to think they are superior,but white ppl are responsible for some of the most disgusting crimes against humanity.
All peoples have done disgusting things. We are just not educated in the Eastern Hemisphere's horror stories.
White people are a very late addition to all this. Out of Africa, none of us were white. The death toll of Hindus by Muslims dwarfs WW2's total of 50 million dead. In China, forgetaboutit.


Well-Known Member
again your thoughts are you thoughts. No one can control your thoughts. Imagine what he could do if he stopped thinking of masturbation. Can you still work properly or study properly if you are thinking about playing with your vagina all day?
So, again with the megalomania. Properly? Your idea of study or work as what is proper? What the fuck is wrong with you, DIck-tater?

You have never spent the day diddling so how would you know. I spit on your judgement.


Well-Known Member
so what you're saying is..because some other member went to war where they kidnap, torture and ultimately behead any and every american they can get their hands on..and you don't like his word track? and because no one complained?

many americans live in iraq just fine.

we went there in a needless war and killed 135,000 civilians.

he was happy to kill them because he hates arabs.

how is he not as bad or worse of an extremist than these muslims you bitch and moan so much about?


Well-Known Member
sure. you're thoughts are you're own LF..are we gonna have mind police now?..wait! we already to prayer 5x day..sharia law imminent..what was that about DUKE?

have you ever read some of the posts on here other than political..there are a lot of fucked up people out there.

EDIT: the very first time call to prayer is recognized and instituted in a pubic place is over for us.
duke was trying to promote tolerance and inclusion, unlike you.

you clearly have no idea what imminent means.