Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
I take it your misquote was not a lack of reading comprehension, but a direct attempt to manipulate my words
so you could in-turn accuse me of being a racist

that was nice of you lol
Dude, you have been manipulating my words since you started posting replies to my comments. You made it out to seem like I wanted you to apologize for being white. You used the term "white guilt" several times. You turn my arguments around to make white privilege out to mean that I am implying that black women should be expressing a desire to be white.

Now I read interest as want and I'm dishonest.

Your bigotry is fully on display.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not uncomfortable with your convoluted non-argument. Sorry if that sounded unpleasant, it was the best word I could find to describe your fallacy. I can see you REALLY want to talk about my disability check and make this seem like I'm afraid to talk about my service related disability rating of %100 from the VA. You are wrong again. You seem to thing that I should not accept this money because it is somehow inconsistent with your philosophy.

But I don't care about your philosophy. Rawn Pawl is a racist turd just like the rest of your "libertarian" pedophile supporting heroes.

Ron Paul has nothing to do with this and you know it.

Your avoidance of your hypocrisy is telling.

Your actions show you don't care about YOUR claimed philosophy. You claim to oppose war, then cash the checks derived from force (war).

You should have stuck to the neck beard schtick too, at least it can offer a laugh.


Well-Known Member
Your avoidance of your hypocrisy is telling.
I am quite happy to focus on your charges. However, you specifically said "do as I say, not as I do" is my philosophy. Don't try to move the goal posts.

I'm a hypocrit according to your philosophy. I don't care about your philosophy. Now tell me how "do as I say, not as I do" is my philosophy or apologize for the aggression.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I collect a disability check, I'm not her employer paying her an hourly wage while keeping the excess value of her labor.
Are you advocating she work harder so you can get a bigger check?

Also there's a difference, her relationship with an employer is voluntary, she's free to start her own business (as long as she kisses coercive governments regulatory ass) or seek employment elsewhere.

She's not free to keep her money though is she....because you need money to buy a plane ticket to Manila.


Well-Known Member
Are you advocating she work harder so you can get a bigger check?

Also there's a difference, her relationship with an employer is voluntary, she's free to start her own business (as long as she kisses coercive governments regulatory ass) or seek employment elsewhere.
To the first question. No.

Her relationship with an employer is as voluntary as her taxes.


Well-Known Member
Gender bias too ?
having an interest does not mean i agree with something, surly you are not trying to imply that
It is even worse, not only are you interested, you brought it up as if to ascribe the desire in myself to hear from a black woman that she would rather have been a white man. I describe my privileged life as a white male, and your mind goes to insulting black people.