Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Got a planter question for you guys and girls! I'm upgrading my planters and am stuck between getting a 36x16x14 inch fabric planter or two 20 gallon fabric planters.
I'm in a 4x2x5 ft tent with a 600 watt. I did the math and the single planter would be roughly over 29 gallons. Now, obviously the single planter will use less soil than the two circular ones, but would that ~11 gallons make a noticeable difference?
I feel that will that much room to stretch their legs my ladies would be fine.
The pros of the singular planter to me are: Only one planter to water, meaning I'll water less; I'll have ample room to plant my aloe vera, spices, etc without adding planters; and I'll have the ability to arrange how I plant my ladies a lot more differently than if I had the smaller ones.
The major cons being that once it's there, I'd be hard pressed to move it and the 14 inches of depth, which kind of scares me.
No massive veg times, maybe two months tops if I have a really low ridding indica.
Hello all, I'm battling a root aphid problem right now, but it's not a ROLS grow, I want to avoid these fuckers when my ROLS mix is done cooking. Will the neem cake, and the crustacean meal in the clakamas coots mix keep root aphids away?
Hey all, so i been spraying my ladies before lights out quite often due to the thrips problem, been using the organic garlic,canola&pyrethrin oil to tackle the problem, i wanted to ask if anybody has had any experience using clove oil ? I was thinking of mixing it in with my last few sprays. Peace ! :leaf::leaf::leaf:
silly troll. Hope everyone enjoyed the biochar workshops we put out this year. Nice being able to source excellent info from great people in new england.
Anyone in here water or make compost tea with waste aquarium water? I'm finding surprisingly little info about doing so...

I set up a small 10gallon tank with some gold fish. Once its eco system build up a bit I'm going to water the garden with fish water, then replacing the water in the tank. A sort of disconnected aquaponic system in a way.
Anyone in here water or make compost tea with waste aquarium water? I'm finding surprisingly little info about doing so...

I set up a small 10gallon tank with some gold fish. Once its eco system build up a bit I'm going to water the garden with fish water, then replacing the water in the tank. A sort of disconnected aquaponic system in a way.
There is a way to use aquarium waste!! I'll have to dig around for a while. But I believe you use a lactobacillus serum in combination with the water to break down all of the nutrients in said water for your plants.
Church Day 37 Flowering
So I need some advice from those who really know their stuff on lactobacillus as a soil drench. I may have made a big error or I'm just paranoid because of my ignorance. In my rush this morning of trying to smoke, eat, and water my ladies I accidentally watered them with an undiluted lactobacillus serum.. Literally realized it as I got done watering. Did I mess up or did I just waste a bunch of lacto?
So I need some advice from those who really know their stuff on lactobacillus as a soil drench. I may have made a big error or I'm just paranoid because of my ignorance. In my rush this morning of trying to smoke, eat, and water my ladies I accidentally watered them with an undiluted lactobacillus serum.. Literally realized it as I got done watering. Did I mess up or did I just waste a bunch of lacto?

Wow bro, how much lacto bacillus are we talking here ?
The worst part is that I water all of my house plants with the the container with the diluted mix in it and must have grabbed the wrong one when I started with my ladies.