Left wing hatchet job on Rand Paul

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Read the article, then watch the video. RP was arguing that vaccination should be a choice, a very libertarian position. The article does its damnedest to paint as RP as an anti-vaxer, though.

For the record, I think vaccinations against communicable diseases should be required for children to attend public and private schools. Many Libertarians will hang my effigy over this. I never claimed to be a "pure" libertarian.

The fucking discussion started over the topic of mandatory vaccinations. Paul, stupidly, threw in a comment about kids being mentally disabled after vaccinations, though he did not say vaccines were the cause.

Left-wing media outlets are now lumping Paul in with Jenny McCarthy and the other anti-vax loons.

Yeah, I know.

I should point out that RP is despised by mainline Republicans as well. In my book, that just makes him all the better.
He scares them, not as much as the great one his Daddy, but he scares them. He speaks out against the Boehners of the world and that's what I like most about him.
As a physician he should have checked his language, it is completely idiotic of him to even suggest that those things are connected. His mistake was trying to appeal to hardliners, that is why he said that I suspect. He isn't an idiot, only an idiot physician would make a statement like that.
As a physician he should have checked his language, it is completely idiotic of him to even suggest that those things are connected. His mistake was trying to appeal to hardliners, that is why he said that I suspect. He isn't an idiot, only an idiot physician would make a statement like that.

Yeah, I agree. It was a stupid thing to say, but the way the media is twisting it is a flat out lie.
look at the two white supremacists cry because their savior is an anti-science retard.

“I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.’

no wonder he has to fake his accreditation and pay up on multiple malpractice lawsuits.
"I never claimed to be a pure libertarian... "

You're just another GOP republican, hence your support for Rand Pawl, the GOP republican who endorsed mittens and promised evangelical mouthbreathers he'd continue the drug war.
“I was annoyed when my kids were born that they wanted them to take Hepatitis B in the neo-natal nursery, and it’s like, that’s a sexually transmitted disease"

seriously? this guy practices medicine?

I think it speaks more too idea of the gov not telling me how to raise my kids. Start with medicine, then religion, then what the hell make it so only rich have kids. Maybe the gov can sit with my kids while their sick.

If you give up your freedom for safety, you don't deserve either one.
Ben Franklin
I think it speaks more too idea of the gov not telling me how to raise my kids. Start with medicine, then religion, then what the hell make it so only rich have kids. Maybe the gov can sit with my kids while their sick.

If you give up your freedom for safety, you don't deserve either one.
Ben Franklin

vaccinations increase your freedom AND safety though.

how does inoculating yourself against deadly, preventable diseases make you less free?
it doesn't is when you tell me that I have too that it impedes on my freedom then decide whether or not I put myself at risk. Get yours if you want if not roll the dice.
it doesn't is when you tell me that I have too that it impedes on my freedom

so it doesn't impede on your freedom, but it impedes on your freedom.

that makes no sense.

Get yours if you want if not roll the dice.

you're also rolling the dice for everyone else, too.

your rights end when they stomp on the rights of others. your right to swing your fist ends at my face.
I get it. The libertardians are advocating for the rights of germs not to be eradicated. I hear whooping cough is making a comeback.
does ur vax not protect u from someone that not? thought that y u got it

some kids can't be vaccinated. either they're too young or they're immuno-comprimised. some people simply don't respond to vaccines, others are in between and need a booster.

you are literally putting all these people at risk of a death sentence because you hate science.

don't sentence kids to death because you hate science. get vaccinated.