I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!


this is my last attempt .........calm the hell down u are not any of that crap u have fallen into the classic fault ......little bit of info little bit of a different way of thinking about things and a shit load of ego thinking u are something u are not ....diluting yourself into a off shoot reality and ending like it always does in your own death ....it has been repeated into histories and stories since the dawn of time learn from them do not reenact them

really sit down and think ..............u are doing more harm then good with this whole thing .....your nothing more then a man with a god complex at this point the way u act is showing u have no value later since u have gone mad (coming from a person that admits freely i am insane under the law is horrible )......someone acting like this can not be trusted can not work with others in a effective manner....u basically put everyone else around u at risk

as for evil genius that is never going to happen .,.....that is his real name and pic if u want to find where he is i can do it with a simple google .....no need for accessing or any trick programs
first rule if u are going evil and demanding something from the world u need to erase yourself from the system and then have several false id going
20 to 1 he posted the videos and all this under a IP addy linked to his home computer/his id

sorry man but u are acting like a little kid demanding something ..........stop ........other wise go balls out and lets watch u go down in flames (i got a twisted side)

this is my last attempt .........calm the hell down u are not any of that crap u have fallen into the classic fault ......little bit of info little bit of a different way of thinking about things and a shit load of ego thinking u are something u are not ....diluting yourself into a off shoot reality and ending like it always does in your own death ....it has been repeated into histories and stories since the dawn of time learn from them do not reenact them

really sit down and think ..............u are doing more harm then good with this whole thing .....your nothing more then a man with a god complex at this point the way u act is showing u have no value later since u have gone mad (coming from a person that admits freely i am insane under the law is horrible )......someone acting like this can not be trusted can not work with others in a effective manner....u basically put everyone else around u at risk

as for evil genius that is never going to happen .,.....that is his real name and pic if u want to find where he is i can do it with a simple google .....no need for accessing or any trick programs
first rule if u are going evil and demanding something from the world u need to erase yourself from the system and then have several false id going
20 to 1 he posted the videos and all this under a IP addy linked to his home computer/his id

sorry man but u are acting like a little kid demanding something ..........stop ........other wise go balls out and lets watch u go down in flames (i got a twisted side)

You should practice your grammer, because its hard to understand you.

But, no, you've got Me all wrong.

I talk a lot on the internet, but I am a little shy in real life.

Just try and relax, brother, its all good.

wow, now there's a time lord in the equation. Loved Tom Baker man, he was the best.
All fun and games innit?

Nev dude, you got & show some good ideas mate, maybe a bit medieval in their methods, all biblical etc... but you mean no ill to others
Dreams become ideas that eventually can become reality.
Nuff said, this is the natural way of chaos & evolution, cos if we don't soon evolve, we will all cease to be.

This planet has a bad case of fleas now and its beginning to scratch.

grammer does not matter .............in 80 years the lang will change again ........it is not like anyone talks 1920s bee's knees floppers (floppers was a dancing girl back in the day now it is ppl sleeping someplace ).......hell the last few years Tweet was a sound u heard from a bird not a action of leaving a internet posting

did not know that slang words change with in 70 miles .........one set of words is used here and if u travel 70 miles in any direction with ppl they will alter and change
If you're going to correct people's grammar, you really need to be on point with your spelling...

don't give him shit for that ..........i am dyslexic i know my grammar and all that stuff is off i double up and skip them or write the next one in my head ......i stopped caring about it years ago my head is not wired for it so why force it
don't give him shit for that ..........i am dyslexic i know my grammar and all that stuff is off i double up and skip them or write the next one in my head ......i stopped caring about it years ago my head is not wired for it so why force it

Oh, I know he was right about your grammar being atrocious, as is your punctuation, and often your spelling ;) I just couldn't resist pointing out the irony of someone's correction needing correction...
Oh, I know he was right about your grammar being atrocious, as is your punctuation, and often your spelling ;) I just couldn't resist pointing out the irony of someone's correction needing correction...

that is what i am here for to lighten the mood and for jokes ..........can not be mad or sad with a laugh coming out
wow, now there's a time lord in the equation. Loved Tom Baker man, he was the best.
All fun and games innit?

Nev dude, you got & show some good ideas mate, maybe a bit medieval in their methods, all biblical etc... but you mean no ill to others
Dreams become ideas that eventually can become reality.
Nuff said, this is the natural way of chaos & evolution, cos if we don't soon evolve, we will all cease to be.

This planet has a bad case of fleas now and its beginning to scratch.


Yes, time is involved in people acknowledging Me, its not like the whole world is going to believe in Me just because I want them to.

It has taken all of the religions time to build followers. No religion had millions of followers while their cult leader was alive.

I appreciate that you like My ideas, that means a lot to Me. I believe I can terraform worlds once I become the King of the world (whether I am dead or alive.) I just want the very best for My people- the whole world.

I also agree that dreams can become reality, and I hope all of My benevolent prophecies become reality.

That you for your kind sentiment.

who is brandon of honey ?
he claims to be a new christ nut and he turned a photo into a million$ donations!! on the web!! .

he might be a nut but at least hes doing some good .

face the shame george .
It has taken all of the religions time to build followers. No religion had millions of followers while their cult leader was alive.

Really? What about Joseph Smith? What about Ghandi? Sathya Sai Baba? They had multitudes of followers when they were alive. Baba just died 4 years ago, and tens of thousands of people saw him perform all sorts of miracles, and he had a hundred million followers. Why do you continue to speak misinformation as facts when you could easily do a 5 minute Google search to find the truth?
me thinks brandons on someones conciounce ..... i think therefore i thought correct ;)

iv come to an understanding as to why nobody can dubunk georges facts ..............

there isnt any to debunk ..... simple lol

oops what a waste of a time.